Page 34 of Pelvic Flaws
She ran a hand down my pale blue button down, stopping just below my pecs. I knew she wasn’t trying tease me, but an inch further and I may have been embarrassing her with a bulge in my jeans. That was what she did to me, and I had no fucking idea why. Yes, she was pretty and funny, but my attraction to her felt so much more than that, and I couldn’t explain what it was or why I felt that way. I just wanted to look after her and be in her company, because it felt warm and right – and now I sounded like a fucking pussy.
“Is what I’m wearing okay?” she asked, her brow furrowing. “Only I wasn’t sure whether to wear a dress, or -.”
“Katie,” I said, grabbing her hand. “You look beautiful and your outfit is perfect.”
With a shy smile, she took my offered hand and followed me to the car.
* * *
“Wow,” Katie said, looking around the bar. “It’s lovely in here. I’ve been past a couple of times, but never been in.”
“It’s my first time, too,” I replied, holding out a chair for her at the table we’d been shown to. “I heard real good things about the food.”
“I can’t remember the last time I went out for a meal that didn’t include little pots of sauce and chicken nuggets.”
“Your kids like burgers then?”
I sat down opposite her and picked up the wine menu.
“Yeah, unless it’s pizza, oh or maybe Nando’s,” she said with a sigh.
“You’re not a fan yourself?”
“Not really, but trying to persuade them my chicken with roast potatoes and vegetables is much tastier is an ongoing battle.”
“Sounds good to me,” I said, dropping the menu to look at her.
“Maybe I’ll make it for you one day.”
The little blush that pinked her cheeks was real cute and it made me smile, big.
The waitress came and took our drink and food orders and we continued our conversation. It was fun and light and by the time we’d finished eating, we’d barely stopped talking.
“Can I ask you something?” Katie said, her eyes scanning the room.
“Yeah sure. As long as it’s not my bank account details, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
She smiled and took a deep breath. “So the woman that was in your car with you.”
“Yes, well are you still buddying her?”
I burst out laughing at the way she’d described my relationship with Debbie. I guess it was better than asking if I was still fucking her when the mood took me, but how did I answer that? Tell her no because she, Katie, took up all my head space and then come across as a clinger, or tell her yes and risk Katie not wanting to see me again, because I sure wouldn’t if a date told me they were keeping their fuck buddy on standby, just in case. But this was our first date, we might hate each other by the end of it. I decided to go with the tactful answer and chose my words real carefully.
“Debbie and I were only casual. I hadn’t seen her in at least three months before the other night. So the answer is, if I’m dating someone, then I don’t mess around. Wasn’t brought up to disrespect women and I ain’t starting now.”
My answer seemed to appease Katie, who gave me a single nod of her head. “I do have another question,” she said with a grin.
“So, as long as you don’t think it’s rude,” Katie said, playing with the stem of her wine glass. “How old are you?”
I laughed and took another drink of my beer that I’d been alternating with water throughout dinner.
“Don’t let the grey hair fool ya, darlin’,” I said with a wink. “I might be much younger than I look.”
“Oh God,” she groaned. “You’re not in your thirties are you? Please don’t tell me I’m cradle snatching.”