Page 36 of Pelvic Flaws
Katie’s eyes widened. “God no. I adore Charlie, he’s my baby, but I was happy with two. Charlie was our little surprise. Don’t ask me what happened, because I have no clue, all I know is I didn’t get my period and started being sick in the morning.”
“What,” I laughed. “You’d had two kids and didn’t know how you’d got pregnant with the third?”
“No,” she cried, joining in with my laughter. “I know exactly how it happened, I just don’t know why. I was very strict on taking my contraception.”
I chuckled and shook my head. I’d not been on too many dates where we discussed the girl’s menstruation and contraception in a couple of sentences.
“I’m so sorry,” Katie gasped. “That is not appropriate conversation for a first date is it?”
“Hah, you read my mind. Not that I think it’s inappropriate, just that we’re even discussing it.”
She dropped her head in to her hands and groaned. “I knew I’d cock it up. I told Mandy I’d cock it up.”
“Mandy, your friend at the gym?”
“Yes, that’s the one,” she replied, dropping her hands. “She called around earlier. Well, I asked her to come to the house actually. I was panicking about what to wear.”
“And she gave you some advice?”
“Yeah, although if I’d have taken a deep breath and calmed down, I’m sure I would have come up with the same outfit.”
I looked at her intently and blew out a slow breath. “Well, whoever’s choice it was, you look beautiful.”
Katie’s breath hitched a little and she sat up straighter in her chair. Her fingers clutched tightly to her wine glass and I knew she was affected by me – just as much as I was by her.
“Thank you for what you did for Isaac,” she said, her gaze dropping to the table. “He’s been floundering a little this last year. Working in the record shop, not really doing much with his life. Since you bought his drawings, I’ve noticed he’s been working at his drawing board again.”
“He hadn’t drawn anything for a while?”
She shook her head. “No, not for quite a few months. But, when I went in to the boys’ room today, and I saw his pencils were out and there was fresh paper on the board.”
“That’s amazing because he’s real talented. Listen, don’t say anything yet, but I’m thinking of getting him to do some more stuff for me. I usually do a lot of our designs, I like to keep our portfolio fresh and up to trend. Heaven & Ink is popular because we’re known for our unique designs. We don’t do tribal tattoos, arm bands, or names, not that there’s anything wrong with those, if that’s what you want, but you won’t get those done with us. Because we’re so unique, we’re real busy, and running the place means I don’t get much time, so maybe Isaac can help me out with that.”
“Oh my God, that would be fantastic, but only if you really need him. Please don’t think you have to.”
“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do, darlin’. He’s a talented kid and if Sam Daniels hadn’t given me a break when I was Isaac’s age, I wouldn’t be doing what I do today.”
“Is he the man who taught you how to be a tattoo artist?” Katie asked, leaning in, interest glowing in her pale blues.
“Yep, he sure did. I didn’t want to go to college, didn’t interest me, but my dad said I couldn’t bum around. So, it was either get myself a job or go and work manufacturing copters with him.”
“And you didn’t want to do that?”
“No,” I said on a long breath, remembering the fights I had with Dad about it. “Couldn’t stand the idea of working in a factory, when all I wanted to do was sit outside and draw.”
“Tattooing isn’t exactly an outside job.”
“No, but it’s drawing, it’s doing art, and that’s good enough. I get the greatest buzz when I see my designs come to life, whether it’s me that’s inked them or someone else. Lucky for me, inking your body has become real popular over the last twenty years, particularly the last ten or so.”
“I think we have David Beckham to thank for that in this country,” Katie said with a tinkling laugh. “But, if the studio is so busy, why don’t you tattoo any longer? You said at the gym earlier you don’t do much these days.”
“Call me an egotistical dick, but since I was featured in a magazine article I became kind of famous in the tattoo world, that means if someone requests me, I can add more to the price. Plus, if I inked full time I’d be working twenty hour days doing that and running the business.”
“And at our age we need to be slowing down, don’t we.”
Katie gave me a cheeky grin, making me throw my head back and laugh.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied. “So, you think maybe Isaac might like to come and see our set up, see how things work?”