Page 42 of Pelvic Flaws
“I don’t know, your head teacher maybe.”
As Charlie rolled his eyes, I got up and padded through to the hall. When I reached the door, my footsteps faltered. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing through the glass panel – only bloody Dex.
“Shit,” I muttered, noticing my reflection in the hall mirror.
Messy hair, half in a ponytail and half out, baggy jogging bottoms that did nothing to make my bottom look like I’d been jogging, and a pale blue sweatshirt with tomato soup that we’d had for lunch dripped down the front. Oh well, he couldn’t just drop by and expect me to look tip-top, could he?
“Hiya,” I said brightly, as I opened the door.
“Hey darlin’,” he replied giving me a grin. “Thought I’d come and see how the patient is doing. And I brought this for him, figured he might be bored.”
He held up what I recognised as a gaming magazine. It was in a plastic packet and had some sort of free gift in it.
“He is off school, right?”
I nodded and opened the door wider. “Yes, he is. Come in, he’s in the lounge.”
Dex stepped inside and as he drew level with me, he stopped and kissed my cheek, sending a little quiver through my body.
“Nice slippers by the way.”
I looked down and laughed at what looked like a pair of hairy feet with four claws.
“They’re Charlie’s Gruffalo slippers,” I explained.
“Like I said, nice.”
Dex grinned at me, his sexy little grin which I was beginning to become addicted to, and moved to the lounge door. “Okay to go in?” he asked.
I nodded and followed him inside, catching a sneaky glance at his jean clad arse as I did so.
“Hi Dex,” Charlie cried, pushing up into a sitting position.
“Hey, Charlie. How you doing?”
“Better, thanks. Sorry again for barfing on you.”
“Ah, no worries,” Dex said, waving him off. “You couldn’t help it.”
Charlie smiled and I saw him glance at the magazine in Dex’s hand. Dex noticed too.
“Oh yeah. This is for you. Figured you might be bored. Hope you don’t have it already.”
Charlie’s eyes gleamed as Dex passed him the packet.
“No,” Charlie gasped as he studied it. “This is the latest. Woah, thanks Dex.”
Dex let out a breath that seemed to be of relief and smiled. “My pleasure.”
As Charlie ripped open the packet, Dex turned to me.
“You get much sleep, darlin’?”
I shrugged. “Enough. Although someone decided to text me at gone one this morning.”
I giggled, marvelling at my attempts at flirting. It had been a long, long time since I’d flirted with anyone. In fact, I couldn’t actually remember whether I ever had. Carl and I had just fancied each other at school and he’d sent his best friend, Terry Smith, to ask my best friend, Wendy Walker, if I’d go out with him. Ryan, the footballer, had started with a drunken game of Spin the Bottle at a friend’s party. Getting back with Carl had been because I needed a lift home from a club one night after I’d split up from Ryan. Carl was there, so I snogged him knowing he’d pay for a taxi back to my mum and step-dad’s house, thinking he was getting his leg over. The fact that he did was immaterial. As for pickled egg man, I did not even contemplate flirting with him – ugh.
“Just wanted to be sure we were on the same page,” Dex said, his voice low and seductive, rousing me from my banal musings. “So, are we?” he asked, reaching out a finger and linking it with one of mine.