Page 66 of Pelvic Flaws
“I think it’s the foundation garments. I think you need something more substantial. I don’t know, maybe a Miss Mary of Sweden.”
“And what the bloody hell is one of those when it’s at home?”
“A pantie corselet,” she replied as though I was the thickest person on the planet. “It holds you in and pushes you out.”
To demonstrate, she smoothed her hands down her sides and then pushed her boobs up with force and started shaking them about a bit.
“Mum, please don’t do that,” I groaned.
“Why not? They’re mine, I can jiggle them if I like.”
“Okay,” I replied on a heavy breath. “You carry on jiggling.”
She shook her head. “No, I’ve had enough jiggling for one night. I’d rather hear about your young man instead.”
I rested my head back against the chair and looked up at the ceiling. Did I really want to talk about Dex and potentially jinx it? Of course I did, because I was far too excited about it not to.
“Bloody hell Mum, he’s amazing.” I almost squealed out as I danced my feet on the spot. “He’s such a gentleman and he’s funny and interesting and…he likes me, Mum.”
My last words came out whispered because I couldn’t quite believe it. I knew we’d only had a couple of dates, but I had a feeling that he didn’t care what was going on in my life, or that I had three kids and a crazy, orange haired mother. I doubted he’d even care that I had to wear panty liners, or that my boobs needed a Miss Mary of Switzerland, or whatever her name was. He didn’t care that I’d almost broken his balls and he certainly didn’t care that I was forty-five years old. I didn’t know him well, at all, but I had a feeling that he wouldn’t think his life needed a twenty-two-year-old in it to make it better.
My mum got up from her chair, and joined me on the sofa, throwing an arm around my shoulder.
“Oh sweetheart, of course he likes you,” she said, giving me a squeeze. “You’re amazing. You’re beautiful and you’re a little bit daft at times, but all that makes you so special, my sweet girl. That big, blond idiot never appreciated you, even before he had his mid-life crisis.”
“He didn’t have a mid-life crisis, Mum,” I replied, leaning my head onto her shoulder. “We weren’t happy with each other, it was a mutual decision.”
“Because he made you feel as though you’d drifted apart, when actually it was him that decided that he wanted to drift away from you and tether himself to a younger model because it was a bit more exciting.”
I felt my body stiffen and my heart beat quicken.
Was that really what had happened?
“I wasn’t happy either,” I replied, my voice soft and a little uncertain.
“Because he gave up on you, Katie.” As I snuggled closer to her, Mum took hold of my hand. “You know, when someone is absent for so long, you get used to it and forget what life was like with them around. Carl went missing and you forgot about the life you’d had, you just knew the current one wasn’t what you wanted. It wasn’t good enough for you – he wasn’t good enough for you.”
“You never did like him, did you,” I stated.
“I didn’t dislike him. Eric and I just thought he was coasting at being a husband and father. He did the minimum and let you carry the load.”
“Do you think he ever loved me, Mum?”
“Oh God yes,” she replied, forcefully. “Problem was he got bored and let you think it was a mutual thing. If he’d have stuck with it and put the effort in, well, you’d have his arm around you now, not mine.”
I chewed on my lip, knowing that she was right. Carl had been the one to pull away and distance himself from us. I’d told myself he was a workaholic and was a good husband and father by being that way. It was only when I saw him now and how he ensured he was, at the very least, home early enough to put Jessie to bed, I realized he’d worked so hard before because he had no interest in coming home. I just hoped that Sophie kept his attention better than I’d been able to do.
“I have a feeling about you and Dex,” Mum said, lifting a hand to stroke my hair.
“What after two dates?” I shook my head, laughing inwardly at her ludicrous thought.
“Yes, I do. I haven’t seen you glow like this since Ryan with the big willy.”
“Mum!” I gasped and turned to look at her. “How the hell did you know he had a big willy?”
“Well no one makes that sort of noise for a tiny todger, do they?”
My mortification was huge at the realization that my parents had heard me having sex. I’d only ever done it under their roof with Ryan twice, and both times I’d thought I’d been quiet.