Page 86 of Pelvic Flaws
“Yep, I know darlin’, that’s why I’m staying over.”
Oh my god, he was so hot when he was being authoritative. I’d never get any tattooing done if I worked for him – not that I can tattoo, maybe I’d work reception or do some admin type stuff, or-.
“Katie Cat,” he whispered. “I know that look, you’re over thinking things.”
“No, honestly, I’m totally fine with your plan. Absolutely fine. Better than fine. I am extremely happy with your suggestion. I-.”
“Darlin’, grab a couple of those glasses and let’s go meet your girls, because I’ve got to be honest, the sooner its time to go home, the better.”
“Can I just ask one question?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“How is Isaac really doing at Heaven & Ink?”
Dex let out a laugh and scratched his head. “We’ll talk about that later, in the cab on the way home, now pick up the wine and let’s go.”
Yep, Rapunzel was about to be set free and was up doing burpees, getting fit and ready for the action to come.
Dex’s quick hello to the girls lasted the rest of the evening. They all found him lovely and charming and insisted that he and Jethro joined us. Jethro, as Dex predicted, tried to get Samantha to go home with him but got nowhere. To give him credit, Jethro tried really hard, but finally realized he was wasting his time when Samantha showed him pictures of her gorgeous husband, Danny, and their cute boys, Bobby and Theo.
“Is he always like that?” I asked Dex, snuggling against him in the back of the taxi. “Trying to get women into bed, married or not.”
“Pretty much. I think he has some short circuit of the brain when he sees a female over the age of twenty-five.”
“Well, he’s confident, I’ll give him that,” I replied with a little yawn.
“You tired, Katie Cat?” Dex asked trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.
I giggled. “No, not at all.”
I felt rather than heard his sigh of relief and it was so cute I wanted to snuggle up closer to him.
“Tell me about Isaac then,” I said. “How’s he doing? All I can get out of him is ‘it’s sick Mum’.”
“Real good actually.” Dex kissed the top of my head as he ran his fingers up and down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. “Everyone loves his designs, he’s getting a handle on the consultations and he actually tried some inking yesterday.”
“Really?” I gasped. “Oh my God that’s fantastic. Who did he do it on?”
I couldn’t believe anyone would trust him to ink them for his first time using a tattoo gun.
Dex let out a deep chuckle. “No one darlin’. He won’t be inking real skin for at least a year, he’s got a lot to learn before that. I wouldn’t normally let an apprentice pick up a machine for three or four months but I had some spare time, so thought I’d spend it with Isaac. Plus my butcher friend brought me some fresh pig skin around, so it was an ideal opportunity.”
I reared back and grimaced at Dex. “Pig skin?”
“Yep, that’s what he’ll be practicing on.”
“That’s gross.”
“Closest thing to human skin so it’s good for us to try new designs on too. What looks good on paper doesn’t always look as good on skin.”
“So how did he do?” I asked, trying not to think of the pig skin.
“Okay. He went a little too deep and he’s gonna need to practice his line drawing a helluva lot, but he did okay for a first attempt.”
“Will he be practicing on pig skin a lot?” I asked, wondering whether I was going to have to hose him down of the pig smell before he even entered the house in future.