Page 19 of Spite
It was ten minutes into my walk when a car rolled to a stop beside me. I didn’t recognize the car, but I did recognize the driver. Sarah, Jessie’s friend and the third in our chemistry table. Another girl was in the passenger’s seat beside her, but the backseat was empty.
“Hey,” Sarah called out to me, grinning. “Aren’t you looking hot as hell? Tell me you’re not walking to Jessie’s house.”
I pulled the sucker from my mouth with a shrug. “I don’t have a car.” And I didn’t want to ask my dad or Diane to use theirs, so walking it was.
“Get in, girl. You can ride with us.” Sarah reached a hand over to the lap of the girl in the passenger seat, and a look passed between them. Were they dating? Whatever. It was none of my business. Whoever you wanted to sleep with, go for it.
I went to the backseat, sliding in as I said, “Thank you.”
“No problem.” As Sarah began driving again, I met her eyes in the rearview mirror. “Anyone you want to catch the attention of? Has to be, with you looking so hot.” Beside her, the girl whose name I didn’t know only nodded along, as if a girl couldn’t look smoking and sexy for herself.
It wasn’t for me, but they didn’t need to know that.
“Maybe,” I said. “We’ll see how the night goes.”
The night went better than I expected it to.