Page 25 of Spite
“Are you asking me on a date, Alec?” I grinned, hoping to put him at ease.
“Maybe I am,” he said, glancing at me.
“Okay,” I told him. “I’ll go with you.” I didn’t tell him I’d be plotting while I was there, waiting for an opportunity that might come out of the blue, sudden and unexpected, mostly because he didn’t need to know. It was bad enough I’d admitted I had it out for Christian. “It’s a date.”
Alec pulled into the driveway at my house a few minutes later. With the car parked, the engine idling, he turned his torso to me. “El, I—” He stopped only when I pressed a light fingertip against his lips. He had the softest lips I’d ever known, and for a split-second, I wondered what his lips would feel like all over me.
I shushed him, “It’s okay. Just forget about it. I don’t want to think about the past. I only want to think of the now. You and me.” And then I dropped the finger against his mouth, using it to undo my seatbelt, leaning over and pressing my mouth to his.
It shut him up good.
I didn’t let the kiss linger, fearing what would happen if I didn’t pull away after a few moments. I wanted to drag him upstairs, throw him on my bed and have my way with him, but Diane and my dad would definitely intercede. I was still living under their roof, and just because I was eighteen did not mean I could invite anyone inside.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” I murmured, chuckling at his dumb, awe-struck look. I was about to get out of the car, but he pulled me back.
“I feel stupid for asking this, but could I have your number? You know, to text you or something.” Alec was a great kisser, but I had a feeling he wasn’t quite used to asking girls out. I gave it to him, blowing him one last kiss before sauntering to the front door.
With one hand on the knob, I waited for Alec to drive off before I went inside, finding my dad and Diane on the couch in the living room. Dad turned his head to me, while Diane just yawned. It wasn’t even midnight yet.
“You’re back early,” Dad said.
“Wasn’t a fun party.” Before either of them could ask me why, I headed up the stairs and said, “Goodnight.” It was their not-so-subtle cue to leave me alone and not ask questions. I went straight into my room, texted Leah even though I knew I wouldn’t get an answer until tomorrow, and turned off all the lights. After tearing off my clothes and putting on my pajamas, I crawled into bed, snug under the covers.
My phone was plugged in and charging on my nightstand, and I lay there in the darkness for a good long while, staring at the ceiling. With the curtains drawn, it was near pitch-black in here, and I sighed to myself.
It just didn’t make sense to me. Christian could not have said all those things, done all those things to me, because he liked me. I was not a fan of the whole boys being mean to you thing, and I hated when someone insinuated it was because they liked you and didn’t know how to show you affection. Fuck Christian. Fuck them all, even Alec. Cute as he was, nice and sincere as he was now, he was no better than Christian.
Alec. I shouldn’t even be thinking about Alec right now, and I definitely shouldn’t have agreed to go to the basketball game with him, but there had to be some way to use the game to my advantage. I had three days until then. I was sure I’d figure out something.
My mind wandered, and I thought back. How close Alec and I had gotten at the party, feeling his hardness pressing into me, grinding against it as I kissed his neck and his collarbone. God, who was I trying to kid? I was still horny.
I let out a sigh. My hand slowly moved down my stomach, snaking beneath my pajama pants, curling along my body. I knew I shouldn’t, but I imagined Alec as I touched myself, how good it felt to press up against him and drown him in passion and heat. I was still wet, which made it feel even better.
My breathing grew short, my skin burning up. Alec’s lips were so soft. I hadn’t a doubt in my mind that if his face was between my legs, I would’ve climaxed. As it was, I was already close. It wouldn’t take me long to…
My phone started to vibrate, and I held back a groan, using my other hand to reach for it, wholly expecting it to be Leah. She wasn’t one for parties or for staying up late, so I had no idea why she was calling me back so soon.
“What do you want?” I answered, trying my best not to sound like I was in the middle of masturbating. Hey, guys did it all the time. Us girls were allowed to do it, too.
But it wasn’t Leah. It was Alec.
“I just wanted to make sure you got to your room safely,” Alec said, and I imagined him grinning into the phone as he said it. As if he were the funniest guy around.
My lower stomach burned, and though I still had a hand between my legs, I said, “I didn’t think you’d call so quickly. A little needy, Alec.” It was kind of…hot he’d called while I was touching myself, though. Almost like it was fate. Almost like I needed to hear his voice to finish.
“Oh, well, I can hang up, if you want—”
“No,” I cut in, “talk to me.” The boy had no complaints. He talked about whatever he wanted to, and I barely contributed to the conversation, mostly because I was focusing on my hand, on how good it felt to circle and rub my clit. My skin flushed, and I kept my breathing under control.
Or, at least, I thought I did.
“What, ah, what are you up to?” Alec asked, his voice suddenly low. “Are you in bed? I’m in bed. Yep, I’m in bed, and I’m really wishing Christian hadn’t interrupted us when he did.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he was under his sheets with a hard dick, running his free hand along it as he spoke to me, too.
I could make up a story, or I could just tell the truth. Since I was already keeping most of the revenge scheme to myself, I decided to tell the truth: “I’m finishing what we couldn’t at Jessie’s.”
It took Alec a while to say, “You’re…touching yourself?” I heard his breath catch, and I knew I had his rapt attention. If his dick wasn’t hard before, it’d get hard now.
“I am,” I whispered. “I could stop, if you want—”