Page 33 of Spite
As I straightened myself out, Xander looked at me. “You always have candy in there to bribe kids with?” A small smile graced his face, those lips that were a bit red from all the kissing we did.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, that candy is for me.” I grabbed my backpack and swung it around my shoulders. It was probably time for me to head home, anyway. I had a basketball game to get ready for. Tonight was going to be a bloodbath.
“If she’d gotten home earlier…” Xander trailed off, obviously horrified at the thought of his little sister walking in on me giving him a blow job. I couldn’t blame him for that. That would’ve been one of the most awkward experiences ever.
“She didn’t,” I said, reaching for his arm, keeping my voice low. “I have to go anyways. I need to get ready for the basketball game tonight.”
“I’ll drive you home,” Xander mumbled. After grabbing his keys, we left his house. It was a few minutes before he said, “Why are you going to the game?” Curious—did this mean he was jealous? I gave him a blow job; I didn’t declare myself his forever and ever.
I shrugged, watching the houses pass by. “I like basketball.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, considering it was the one sport I could watch and understand.
Xander nibbled on his lip ring. “You sure it’s not because of a certain player?”
“Whatever do you mean, Xander?” I wasn’t the best at playing coy, but oh well.
“Christian,” he added, “you shouldn’t be sniffing around him. He’ll destroy you—”
“It’s been six years,” I cut in. “He can do his best. He can try, but if anyone is going to be destroying people, it’s going to be me destroying him.” I had no idea whether or not Xander believed me, and I didn’t care. Xander could go on thinking whatever he wanted, but I knew what I had to do to get to Christian. Tonight was only the first step.
Xander had nothing to say to that. When we arrived at my house, I gave him a smile and thanked him before running in.
Oh, yes. Tonight, things would start to change.