Page 48 of Spite
Chapter Nineteen
That night, Diane was upset with me. I had no idea why, but I was content to just let her be, heading straight up to my room after being dropped off by Alec. Alec, who desperately wanted to come inside and meet my dad, but I told him no. That was not an encounter I wanted to add to today’s memories. Today should be a happy day.
And it was, until my dad poked his head into my room, gave me that fake smile of his and invited himself to sit at my desk chair. “Hey, kiddo,” he began, and I had to roll my eyes at that. The last time he called me kiddo was…years ago. Before my wrists became home to scars. The truth was I wasn’t a kiddo any longer.
“What’s going on?” I asked, trying not to sound completely bored.
“I’m glad you’re getting out and making friends,” Dad said, “but you need to make some time for Diane, too.”
I looked at him like he was crazy, mostly because he was. There were a thousand questions I could have asked him in that moment, but I went for the simplest: “Why?” Why did I need to make time for Diane? Why spend any time at all with her? If I was honest, I still partially blamed her for the dissolution of my parents’ marriage.
Stupid, I know. Don’t worry, though, I blamed my dad just as much, if not more.
“She’s your stepmom,” Dad told me. “She cares about you, and she wants you to approve of her.”
I barked out an ugly laugh. “Like that would ever happen.” When he gave me a look—you know the one, the one parents were shockingly good at—I said, “Why does it matter if I approve of her? You’re already married to her.” A wedding I steered clear of, from the get go, even though my mom had told me to go to show my support for my dad.
Yeah, no thanks.
“Elle, just try. Please, do it for me.”
I held back a sigh. “Okay,” I said, not sounding very convincing. Doing it for my dad? For him? I barely tolerated the guy. He was lucky I was here, living in his house, and not in my own apartment somewhere. I was eighteen; I didn’t need parental supervision.
Dad gave me a smile. “Thank you.”
When he left the room, I laid back on my bed, wanting to scream. How annoying. Diane and I would never get along, not really, and I wasn’t sure why she was trying so hard now. My mom was dead. There was no replacing her, ever.
I reached for my phone and texted Leah, though I did not exactly tell her I had a threesome with Alec and Xander. Baby steps. Plus, I had no idea if my dad was in the hall, listening or some shit. I didn’t trust him. He didn’t have a stellar track record.
I must’ve fallen asleep sometime, for when I opened my eyes, it was daylight. Shit. I was going to be late. Late for…I couldn’t remember. Something. I knew I had something to do today. Grabbing the side of my head, I got up, moving past the bathroom as I headed down the stairs. My dad and Diane were gone, and the front door was wide open.
That’s odd, I thought, heading straight outside, figuring I’d better check it out. The moment I stepped onto the front porch, the daylight became dusk, the leaves on the trees the colors of autumn, even though I could’ve sworn it was nearly spring.
Someone stood on the steps of the porch, someone I wasn’t expecting to see.
A boy who was more like a man, with sun kissed yellow hair and tanned skin, with sparkling blue eyes that were deeper and purer than any ocean, any sea. Muscles on top of muscles; a body that made mine feel insanely small, and I was no shorty. He wore a clean, button-up shirt and pants that made him look even taller, black and sleek.
I spoke his name tentatively, afraid that he would disappear if I spoke it any louder, “Christian. What are you doing here?” Yes, what the hell was Christian doing on my front porch, looking so damn fine?
“I came here for you,” he said, speaking lowly. The velvet timbre of his voice sent a flurry of shivers down my spine, and even though I had no reason to, I found myself arching my back, a warm feeling between my legs. “You knew I would.”
“No, I…” This wasn’t right. This was wrong. All of this was wrong, but…
Christian stepped closer to me, grabbing my face and bringing it to his. Since he was so tall, he had to bend down to reach me. I was pliant in his grip, melting when I felt his strong hands holding me. My lips melded to his, our bodies pressed hard against each other’s. His tongue found its way into my mouth, and I let out a low moan, kissing him back.
I ran my hands up his hard chest, having never felt such strength under my fingertips. So wide, so strong. He could break me in half if he wanted. He’d already broken me once. What was once more? One more time, just for old time’s sake.
Christian had me pinned between him and the house within a minute, both of us frantically clawing at each other, practically ripping off our clothes right then and there, my dad and Diane be damned. I didn’t care. Let this one break me again, let him have me. I wanted this. I needed this. He was the drug I never knew I was addicted to, not until today.
My pants were on the floor of the porch, and as Christian’s mouth assailed mine, he worked to undo his belt and free himself. Once his hard dick was out, he hoisted my legs up, our mouths never breaking contact, and pushed himself inside. He filled me up like no other, pushing at all of my boundaries, making my inner core quiver with need.
Our lips broke apart, and as I breathed rapidly, Christian buried his head against the crook of my neck as he started to fuck me against the house. Harder and harder at me he went until I cried out with desperation and—
And then I woke up, in my own bed, clothes still on, Christian-less and covered in sweat.
If my eyes could’ve stared holes in the ceiling, if laser beams could’ve shot out and decimated everything in my field of vision, they would have. I felt my blood pressure rising, my veins boiling. So much for not having a traitorous body.
No, it wasn’t my body itself that betrayed me. It was my mind. My subconscious. Ugh. If I could wring my own brain’s neck, I would. I did not need any more complications. I was going to make Christian rue the years he bullied me, and I was not going to screw him while doing it. There were just some stands you had to take, and avoiding sleeping with your enemy was one of them.