Page 19 of Loser
I exited the union after doing a quick search for Front Street. The big white house was all I had to go on, but it was late enough, the moon already high in the black sky, that the party should be going by now. With any luck it’d be obvious which one was Sawyer’s.
As I walked, I knew I probably had no idea what I was about to get into, but honestly? That was half of the fun, and I adored fun like a druggie adored their next fix.
Chapter Twelve – Ash
Yep. Definitely obvious which house on Front Street was Sawyer’s. All of the houses were mansion-like, but the big white one with stone columns and a fountain in the front? That keyed me in, along with the red solo cups littered in the grass, because you couldn’t have a party without those. Those cups were a party staple.
A house like this, rented out by a student at Hillcrest? It was insanity to me. Total insanity. I knew it was a rental, mostly because all of the houses near campus were. They were like that near the community college back at home, too. I supposed Sawyer could’ve had roommates, but somehow I knew he was ‘too good’ for that.
I headed up the stone walkway that led to the front door, walking inside. Immediately my ears were blasted with music, my body feeling its rhythm even though I wasn’t anywhere near the speakers. The house kept the loud noise in pretty well; walking up to it, you’d never guess the inside made your ears want to bleed.
I was surprised to see just as many girls here as there were guys. They had to be locals, or from the nearby public college. They were all dressed to party, wearing short, tight dresses with so many sequins your eyes hurt and enough makeup to make even the most acne-ridden person on the globe look clear-skinned. Tons of hairspray and lip gloss. So many reflective surfaces I didn’t know where to look.
God, I felt underdressed. I knew I would be, in my jeans and shirt, but I didn’t own clothes like that. Kelsey did, but me? I was always the one to sit back and watch Kelsey have fun. If a guy came to me, he came to me, but I never sought them out myself. I didn’t have to. There was always some runoff from Kelsey.
Tonight, things were going to be different. I wasn’t here to hook up or to escort my friend. I wasn’t here to be the designated driver who couldn’t drink. I was here for Sawyer, to see what he was really about, and so far, all I knew was that he threw some kickass parties. Everyone looked like they were having fun, especially the few couples making out by the stairs.
I headed down the hall, emerging into the kitchen, where there was plenty of alcohol to choose from. Wine coolers, beer, even bottled vodka. I was not a fan of that stronger stuff, at least not straight.
“Well, look who it is,” a deep, lazy male voice spoke behind me. It was not one I’d heard a lot before, but I recognized it all the same. When I turned to face a half-smiling Sawyer—because apparently that’s all he could ever muster the strength to do—he went on, “Travis said he invited you, but I bet him you wouldn’t come. You made me lose a grand, Ash.”
A thousand dollars on whether or not I’d come? Holy shit. A grand was…probably like pocket change to these boys.
“So you and Travis have been talking about me,” I said, leaning on the counter behind me, the counter full of different bottled alcohol. I doubted half of the people here were legally able to drink, but that never stopped anyone. This was America. We kind of had underage drinking down pat.
Sawyer’s eyes dropped to my feet, which wore my typical high tops, slowly traveling up my legs to take in my torn jeans. “Hard not to, considering you’re the only girl on campus.” He wore a clean blazer and nicely-pressed jeans. Even when he was letting loose, he looked like a rich boy.
Though most of the other partygoers were in the living room dancing or upstairs getting naughty, I could still see a few girls lingering around the kitchen. They were busy talking amongst themselves, but every so often their eyes would flick to me. They did not do well hiding their jealousy, though I wasn’t sure what they were jealous of. Sawyer talking to me? Come on.
“Doesn’t stop you from inviting other girls to your parties, does it?” I asked, feigning a stretch as I went to fluff the back of my hair. The motion made my chest puff out, and it also drew Sawyer’s gaze to my breasts.
What a loser.
He moved closer to me, nearly blocking my view of the kitchen. I was practically pinned between him and the counter, even if there were a few inches of air between us. “I can’t throw an all-guys party. That would be too boring.”
“Right,” I said, turning my chin up to look at him. “Because a party ain’t a party without some sex.” I’d forgotten how tall he was. So damn tall. My neck hurt as it craned back.
I’d also forgotten how attractive Sawyer was, douchiness aside. His square jaw, the way his blonde stubble lightly dusted his chin, how the blueness in his eyes reflected the light like the waters in the Caribbean. He might’ve been a rich boy with a half-assed smile, but his looks made my body warm in all the right places.
Too bad, really.
“You’re right,” Sawyer spoke, reaching behind me. His arm brushed against my shoulder, and I fought the tingling sensation that arose afterward. “You have to have sex, and you have to have booze.” His arm brushed along my shoulder again as he held something between us: a red solo cup. “What’ll you have?”
I met his sapphire stare as I said, “Surprise me.”
Another half smirk crossed his face as he went to mix me a drink. I watched him do it, popping corks and unscrewing caps. I had no idea what he was mixing, but he seemed to know his way around all the different kinds of alcohol filling up his kitchen. Was I really going to drink it? Eh. Maybe. Maybe not.
I did want to learn more about him though, and playing nice was the only hand I had to play right now.
“A Purple Hill, for the new lady,” Sawyer said, handing me the cup. Its contents were mostly purple, which must’ve been how it got its name. A Sawyer specialty.
I made the mistake of smelling it. It was strong, that’s for sure. Very strong. So strong it might knock you over if you weren’t careful enough. I lifted the cup to my mouth, aware that Sawyer was watching me, and took a sip. Holy hell, I’d never wanted to flinch so badly, but I didn’t. I didn’t even blink as the strong stuff made its way down my throat.
No exaggeration, but it burned. I think that sip cut a year or two off my lifespan.
“This is a big house,” I commented as a group of giggling girls sauntered into the kitchen, practically tripping over themselves to get to the drinks. A pair of guys were behind them, grinning to themselves. “Surely you don’t live here all alone?”
Sawyer was way too cocky when he replied, “I’m hardly alone here. There’s always someone willing to keep me warm at night.”