Page 41 of Loser
This girl…she wasn’t like anyone I’d ever met before. She had her walls up, and she knew exactly when to take them down to draw me in. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she knew how to play the game better than me.
Insane, I know.
“Fine, fine,” I said, holding my hands up in surrender. “I’ll stop. No more kissing…but admit, you did like it.”
“Not as much as you did, apparently.” Ash’s eyes fell below the waist, noting my semi-erect cock. It wasn’t too noticeable, and it would go away soon, so I wasn’t worried about other people seeing it.
“Come on,” I said, going to grab her hand. “There’s more I want to show you.”
“No hand holding, either,” she said.
Fine, fine. I could keep my hands and my tongue to myself…for now.
I brought her to one of the zoo’s many restaurants. It was mostly fast food type shit, but judging from the way her grey eyes lit up, she liked that kind of food. She ordered chicken nuggets and fries, and quickly tried to pay for herself.
“Don’t insult me,” I told her, pushing her to the side as I added my own food to the order. While I gave my bank card to the cashier, I happened to glance at Ash. She was frowning, no shocker there, her arms crossed as she glared at me. Not happy about me paying, I guess. The cashier handed us our drinks, and we wandered to the side to wait for our food. “Don’t worry,” I teased her, “this isn’t charity. It’s a date.”
Ash huffed. “Thought you didn’t go on dates because you don’t date.” She actually sounded bitter, almost like she cared about what my reply would be. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was jealous of all the girls I’d taken home, all the ones who knew what I felt like inside of them. Jealous of the girls who’d called out my name during orgasms and clenched their pussies tight around me.
I hoped she was.
Her attitude was both infuriating and alluring. This game with her was going to be fun. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get her so fast—to really make her see the error of her ways would take time. To break her like I was going to break Declan, for fucking embarrassing me in front of everyone, I would be as patient as I needed to be.
We got our food and chose a table in the shade. “I don’t date,” I said. “But I do know date etiquette.” I watched her dive into her food without hesitation. She apparently had a thing for chicken nuggets. “Should’ve ordered a double thing of nuggets.”
“I like my nuggets as much as you like being in between girls’ legs,” Ash said, totally, completely serious in every way. It was not what I expected her to say; it actually caught me off-guard.
She…she made me laugh. Really laugh.
Ash glanced up, staring at me. Of course she heard my laugh, but the way she looked at me, those fucking eyes could see right through me. I hated it. Hated her. I didn’t like her looking at me like I was some kind of special.
“So,” I said, breaking the silence, vowing to never laugh again so heartily in her presence, “you asked me about my sex life. Let’s hear about yours.” I took a bite of the burger I’d ordered. It was a bit chewier than I liked.
“My sex life?” she asked. “Or my dating life? Because unlike you, I’ve had both.”
I tried to picture her with another guy, and the selfish part of me—which, okay, was the majority of me—couldn’t. I wasn’t saying she was mine, but…well, she was as good as mine right now. She might’ve had a dating life before, but no more. Not until I was done with her. And the sex…I’d give her more than she could handle where that was concerned.
“Both,” I said. “Let’s start with the sex.”
Ash rolled her eyes. “Of course you’d start with that one.” She gnawed on another nugget. “It might surprise you, but usually my sex life is tied in with my dating life.”
“No hooking up?” I asked. It was a good thing there was a table between her line of vision and my dick; it was getting hard again, talking about sex. Talking about sex while near a girl I wanted to fuck led to my mind picturing certain things, like how Ash would look naked. She was small, decently curvy. I bet she’d look amazing.
“A bit,” she said, shrugging. “But not much. I, uh…I don’t have a good track record when it comes to dating. I never choose the right guys.”
“What kind of guys do you go for?”
“Guys like Travis,” she said, and I was stunned. Travis? Really? What the fuck was so special about guys like Travis? He had money, yeah, and tattoos, which I knew some girls liked, but Travis? Come on. He was my friend and all, but he could be odd at times.
I had to ask, “Why guys like Travis?”
“I don’t know. There’s just something about them that I like. The bad boys.”
I leaned an elbow on the table between us, saying lowly, “I’m a bad boy too, Ash.”
She smirked. “Yes, but you’re not exactly the type of bad boy I’m talking about.” She popped another nugget in her mouth, turning her head to gaze off to the side. The eating area was near the zoo’s tortoises, and the slow-moving turtles were heading towards the mud pit in the center of their space.
I didn’t know there was more than one kind of bad boy, although it made sense, considering how different Travis and I were. Travis came from money, but he was…different. Weird. His whole family was weird. Not once growing up did he ever invite me over. It was always Travis coming over to my house. He came over for holidays, because his family didn’t celebrate them. He said his family worked too much, but what they did exactly, I had no idea. Travis was never too forthcoming with the details.