Page 23 of Freak
When I skated back to the room, I found that Declan had texted me. Will was accompanying him to his classes, like a bodyguard. He then asked me if I’d be okay, and of course to lock the door. I told him I’d be fine, and that I always lock the door. Though a person like Travis, I bet locks couldn’t keep him out. I bet he’d find a way inside, because that’s what he did.
I turned on the TV and made myself some lunch. I should use the meal card Dean Briggs gave me, but I didn’t want to venture into the student union alone. There were two guys I wanted to avoid at all costs now, both Travis and Sawyer. Neither of them were worth my time, but I couldn’t help but want to send them some payback for what they did. Travis for locking me up and acting like it was my punishment, and Sawyer for being with a girl with pink hair.
Revenge wasn’t something I liked, but here, maybe it was a mandatory kind of thing.
We’re all monsters at Hillcrest. Words Travis had told me weeks ago, and at the time, I had no idea what he meant. Now I did; now I knew exactly what he meant. These guys wanted to play dirty? Fine. I’d get them back. I’d get them both back so hard they were left wondering just what the hell happened.
As I ate my lunch, which consisted of a warmed-up can of Spaghetti-os, I tried to think up a plan. I wasn’t as vindictive as I should’ve been, so I texted Kelsey for help. Of course, I didn’t tell her why these guys needed some cold payback, but I didn’t need to. She was always down for anything.
Kelsey and I were deep in conversation when I left for my second round of classes for the day. I was just about to leave the room and lock up when I stepped into the hall and spotted an envelope taped to our door. It was an envelope that wasn’t there forty minutes ago when I came back.
I let out an aggravated sigh as I tore it off the door, tossing it in the nearest trash can before heading down the stairs with my skateboard.
When would these stupid kids learn that notes were so first grade?
Chapter Twelve – Will
My week was almost up. Declan had taken off the bandage yesterday, his wound still puckered and bruised around the injury. It didn’t look good, but it was getting better. He sat near his desk, and I was on his bed.
Things had been pretty quiet. I’d gone with him to his classes, sat outside in the hall like an eagle-eyed scout, watching everything and everyone around us. People looked at me strangely, but I didn’t care. I knew Declan didn’t hurt himself, someone else did, and that someone just might come back.
Declan, I found out, shared a class with Sawyer, and every time that particular class let out, I made sure to make Sawyer notice me. I was here, and no one was going to mess with my brother. This wasn’t going to be a repeat of last year. I wouldn’t let it, even if that meant I had to transfer here, change my major, and start fresh. I’d do anything for Declan.
I wasn’t the only one who’d do anything for him, though.
As the week wore on, I paid special attention to Ash and how she acted around Declan. She was a bit awkward around me, but around him? She was always smiling, always sighing, always watching. She liked him, I knew, she just didn’t want to admit it.
What were the odds that the first female student at Hillcrest University would be almost like a spitting image of Sabrina Salvatore? During one of our walks back from class, Declan told me his suspicions about Dad, how he suspected Dad pushed for her because he thought Declan would like her. I knew Dad well enough to know it might be true, and I was certain Dad interviewed the candidates, who he then pushed to the board.
Ash didn’t get in based on merit or even luck. She got in first because of her looks.
She was in the bathroom, humming to herself. She had a good voice, low and haunting, and I found myself listening more than I should, focusing on her more than I should. Declan had his headphones on, meaning he couldn’t hear her, watching something online. When she emerged from the bathroom, her hair was wet and she was running a comb through it, immediately stopping the humming when she saw me staring at her.
I shouldn’t watch her so much, but it was hard. She was pretty, much prettier than Sabrina ever was, in my opinion. She was short, but curvy. She was fit, too. Maybe it was the way she held herself, the confidence that radiated from her, the way her nose crinkled when she laughed at her own jokes.
I was drawn to her, even though I shouldn’t be, and it sucked. I didn’t want to like her, but I sort of did. This last week, I’d found it impossible to stay away from her. Plus, she smelled good. Like strawberries and mangos and…
See? I was doing it again. I needed to stop.
“Why’d you stop humming?” I asked, watching as she dug new clothes out of her dresser.
“Because I totally forgot you were here,” she said, tossing me a smile. “I’m used to Declan on his laptop.” Meaning she didn’t want anyone to listen to her.
“You have a good voice,” I told her. “Don’t be ashamed.”
“Oh,” she said, her grey eyes amused, “I’m a lot of things, but never ashamed.” It looked like she was getting ready for something, pulling out clothes that were a tad nicer than the ones she usually wore.
“Where are you planning on going?” I asked, a strange feeling in my chest. Was she going to a party? With her hand? Which, if I was honest, I didn’t believe she’d gotten from a fall. Seeing her with that Travis…I hoped she wasn’t mixed up with him. A guy like that I wouldn’t put anything past. A guy like that was dangerous, and no good for her.He was definitely capable of hurting her.
She needed a good guy, someone like Declan. Or me.
“It’s Friday night,” she said. “I think there’s a party I need to make an appearance at.”
I grew worried, and I tossed Declan a look. Declan was in the process of taking off his headphones, turning to watch Ash. “What?” he asked.
“She’s going to a party,” I told him.
“No,” Declan said, as if he could force her to stay here. As if he could make her do anything. Ash, I knew, wasn’t the kind of girl to listen, even if that someone only had her best interests in mind. “What if—”