Page 50 of Freak
This might be juvenile, this might be some stupid prank, but it was making me feel good.
Hey, Sawyer should be thankful I left his clothes on for this. I could’ve made this whole thing that much worse.
When I was satisfied with the pictures on my phone, I made sure to send them in an email to myself, just in case someone ended up taking my phone again—cough, cough, Travis. That way, I’d have the pictures no matter what. You could never be too careful.
I sat on the floor near the wall, leaning my head back, smiling to myself. This night, it actually went how I wanted it to, how I planned. No road bumps, no obstacles. It was almost too easy, actually.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. I’d take what I could get when it came to these guys.
My eyes closed, and the overwhelming urge to sleep caught up with me. The day had been a wild one, full of Will and Declan, and then staying up awake as I lay in my bed while waiting for the time to pass. I was tired, and even though it was practically four in the morning—so close to dawn the sky outside was already starting to lighten just a tad—an hour or two of sleep was better than nothing, right?
So, leaning against one of the walls in Sawyer’s bedroom, while Sawyer was chained to his own bed and passed out in his drunken stupor, I slept…at least until my phone buzzed again and again.
I snapped my eyes open, reaching for my phone, which had fallen from my lap sometime while I dozed off. It was Declan. I got up, leaving my backpack there as I went out into the hall. The party was over now, everyone else gone, yet the music still played downstairs. I went into the bathroom before answering it, hoping the music was so in the background Declan wouldn’t be able to hear it.
Leave it to me to think this night would end without any problems.
“Declan,” I answered the phone, quickly trying to think up something to say to explain why I was gone at such a weird time, why I didn’t tell him where I was going.
“Where are you?” His voice was frantic, and I winced at hearing it, feeling, despite myself, guilty for leaving without telling him. With everything that’s happened, I should’ve just told him and not tried to hide it…
“I had to run out for a bit.” Oh, yeah. That sounded believable. Just had to run out for a bit in the middle of the night to…do whatever it was people did at this ungodly hour.
What he said next made my blood run cold.
“I just got a call from the hospital. Will’s been admitted. He was attacked.”
The world swayed around me, and I reached for the countertop of the vanity, steadying myself as I let Declan’s news sink in. The worry in his voice wasn’t just for me, it was for his brother, too.
Attacked? But how? Why?
“Where are you?” Declan asked. “I want to go see him, I need to be there, in case…” He didn’t say more; he didn’t need to.
He wanted to be there in case Will didn’t make it.
“Let me call you right back,” I said, hanging up before he responded. I flew out of the bathroom, practically tripping down the stairs as I ran out of the house, finding that Travis hadn’t left. He sat on the porch, his legs stretched out before him, a new cigarette in his mouth. His blue eyes rose to me, though he didn’t get up. “Do you have a car?” I asked him.
“Not with me right now, back at campus I do,” he said, slowly getting to his feet. He noted my frantic expression, and he threw the cigarette down and stepped on it. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Will,” I said. “He’s in the hospital. He was…” God, I could hardly say the word. “Attacked. I need to go to Declan, and then we have to go to the hospital.”
Travis’s gaze fell, and it was a moment before he said, “Wait here.” He said nothing else as he walked inside the house, returning after a few moments swinging around a set of keys along his finger. “I don’t think Sawyer will mind, considering.”
I didn’t argue. I followed Travis to the sports car parked along the driveway, the only car left in sight. I called Declan back as we got in. Declan picked up on the first ring. “Meet me in the turnaround in five minutes.”
“Okay, but where—”
“I’m coming,” I said, hanging up.
Travis backed us out of the driveway. Since it was so late—or early, depending on how you looked at it—there were hardly any other cars on the road. Sawyer’s car was a two-door vehicle; we’d all have to squeeze in.
My heart was in my throat when I turned to look at Travis, at the guy who took me to his room and chained me up. The way he’d looked at me when I told him about Will being attacked was…normal. As if I’d just told him something stupidly normal, talked about the weather and not someone I cared about being attacked.
“You didn’t—” My words were cut off almost instantly. He’d been outside Sawyer’s house, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have hired someone to do it for him. He had money. All these rich kids…I wouldn’t put anything past them.
“No,” Travis said. “It wasn’t me.” He must’ve known what I was thinking, for he added, “Or anyone I know. Whatever happened to him wasn’t because of me.” A muscle in his jaw clenched. “Not going to deny I’ve thought about it, but—”
“Travis,” I hissed his name. “Are you going to want to attack every guy that gets close to me?”