Page 52 of Skank
I turned to run to the stairs, but I stopped at the base, gazing up at Brooklyn, who stood with her arms crossed, blocking my escape. If this bitch didn’t move, I’d…I’d definitely do something. Hurt her, scream, or die of my growing panic attack.
“You won’t get away with this,” she said, as if I was the one who did something wrong. Yes, going at her at that party wasn’t right, but she was psychotic if she thought this payback was deserved.
I took the first two steps, heading up to meet her. She stood at the top, unimpressed at my approach.
“I had him earlier, but I bet your friend is having a lot of fun with him now—” Whatever Brooklyn was going to say next, I didn’t hear. Mostly because I’d grabbed her and threw her behind me, using every ounce of strength I had in me.
She lost her balance, not expecting the move. While Travis and Batman fought deeper in the basement, I threw Brooklyn down the stairs, watching as her body thumped and twisted on its way down.
Once she landed on the floor, her head collided with the cinderblock wall. I stared at her for only a moment—a quick, rapid moment—wondering if she was alive. Her body didn’t move, her eyes closed. She looked as dead as someone could be, but I couldn’t be sure, mostly because I couldn’t breathe and wanted to throw up.
I ran upstairs, the world spinning around me. I pushed through all of the people dancing, calling out for my friend even though it pained me to speak. No matter where I looked, I couldn’t see her. She wasn’t…no. No fucking way. My life wasn’t that messed up, was it? He wasn’t here. The bitch was lying.
No, no, no, no. I could not repeat the word in my head enough.
Not outside, not in the kitchen. My feet drew me upstairs, and I kicked down every single closed door I could, feeling…not at all like myself. My throat was itchy, my hands shaking. I couldn’t breathe, and yet I was here, barging in on numerous couples having sex in the fraternity’s rooms.
No one that I knew, just a lot of angry faces.
Good, because, for a moment there, I…
I heard grunts coming from what must’ve been the bathroom, and even before I made my way to it, it was like I already knew what I’d find, what I’d see. The one thing that could make this night worse, the one thing that could break me into a thousand tiny, irreparable pieces.
My hand went for the doorknob, and I pushed it open. My heart stopped, and I stood there for a moment, staring at a sight I never should’ve seen.
Kelsey, her pants near her ankles, bent over the vanity, and the man behind her…the pink in his hair was covered in black dye, or maybe black grease. Either way, he was dressed as a vampire and had that half-lidded, high as a fucking kite look on his face.
Sawyer balls deep inside my best friend.
Chapter Twenty-Three – Ash
My world faded to black. It was as if I had blinders on, unable to look away. I didn’t hear the party still raging downstairs or the couples fucking in the nearby rooms. The only thing I could see, the only thing I could pay attention to, was the way Sawyer rammed himself into my friend, over and over, as if I wasn’t even there.
Like I was invisible.
Like…like I didn’t matter, which was exactly what he’d told me.
I was nothing. I was just a stupid, stupid girl.
Kelsey managed to turn to look at me, gesturing for me to close the door. “There’s another bathroom downstairs—” She bit her lower lip as he started to fuck her harder. “Please—” My best friend was begging me to go, and I had no reason to stay.
Not anymore.
Sawyer didn’t even look in my direction, didn’t stop as he fucked her. Couldn’t even recognize me off the high he had. Or was he just drunk? Either way, I didn’t know, didn’t care. Either way, I was shattered.
I closed the door behind me, walking like a robot as I headed down the stairs. Right out the front door in a daze. I walked down the sidewalk, not knowing whether Travis was still downstairs fighting that brute and whether or not I’d killed that bitch.
Did it matter? Did any of it matter?
I walked down the line of Greek houses, my world falling apart around me. Tears formed in my eyes, but no matter how many times I blinked, they wouldn’t go away. I was hurt, I was hurt in so many different ways. Tonight was supposed to be a fun night, not one of the worst days in my life.
Just when I thought life couldn’t get any worse, it had to show me in the worst possible way that it could.
Brooklyn hit me with her car. She was going to get Batman to rape me while she watched, and the only reason I got out was because of Travis, my new psycho stalker. I already had one of those, I didn’t want another. And then…then Sawyer and Kelsey. How was I supposed to cope with all of this? How was I supposed to survive this night with my sanity intact?
I passed a few houses, stopping when I felt myself lose it. My fists clenched at my sides. How the fuck was I supposed to act like everything was okay? I spotted a tree in the yard beside me, and I felt my blood boiling. Boiling so hot it threatened to sizzle and sear my veins.