Page 53 of Shameless Game
“Baby,” Beau grunts. “Baby, fuck. Fuck. That’s so hot. I’m coming.” He does, and I love how it’s the same name and need for me that he has for Colton. His desire is so intertwined for us, so is every word sighed from his mouth.
I kiss and lick and swallow, cherishing how I hold them together and how they adore me, too. Suddenly, they feel like my men. Suddenly, they feel like my everything.
“Baby.” Beau gently tugs my hair. “Blair.” He’s seeking me, lingering his fingers over my cheek, pulling my gaze up to meet his, to meet theirs. They’re two towers of muscles looming over me while Beau praises, “Damn, y’all, we’re so perfect together.”
The smile on Beau’s sexy face is tender. It’s in awe and love, but when I look at Colton, who’s staring down at me, too. “Colt?” I call him by the name Beau uses because he let me into their secret but now something’s wrong.
His handsome face falls. “This is too damn perfect,” Colton mumbles, pulling from my grasp and Beau’s. “We’re too damn perfect.”
He turns around and storms away.
“Colt!” Beau calls out as he disappears inside. “Colt!”
“Seduce the hell out of her.”
Which is worse?
Being trapped on this tiny island or being trapped in these big feelings? This goddamn love and lust I can’t escape.
I just had my dick, my kiss, and my mind blown, and now my heart’s in a million pieces.
And we’re supposed to be here getting our shit together, not wrecking our lives even more.
I go to slam my bedroom door behind me, but “Colt!” Beau’s right on my heels, slamming it back open.
“What?” I whip around.
“Talk to me.” He stands there, naked and ripping my last breath away.
“What do you want me to say?”
“How you feel.”
“You know how I feel.” My voice raises with my pulse. “Since we were eighteen, you’ve known how I feel. It hasn’t changed, Beau. I love you. I want to be with you. And now,” I gesture toward the outside, where I’m sure Blair can hear me, “I want her, too. I’m falling for her, and I want to be with her and you, and we can’t so end of fucking story, right?”
“I don’t want it to be the end,” he says. “I want us together, too.”
“But how?” I ask. “You won’t come out. We can’t be out. I fucking hate it, but I get it. But at least you two can be together. And if you’d finally get your head out of your ass about it, you can be happy with her, and I want you to be. I want you to be with her, and it’s gonna hurt like hell because I want us together, too, but at least fucking do that. Be with her. Make all this pain, all this shit worth it.”
Fuck, it’s burning my eyes.
Losing my mom. Never having him. Meeting an incredible woman like Blair.
It’s all love I can’t hang on to. It slips right through my grasp.
And he sees it.
Beau sees it brimming over my lashes, and he reaches for me. He buries my face in his neck, his cheek pressed against mine.
“I’m so fucked,” he says. “Because I’m so in love with you and her, too, and I don’t know how to be with one of you, let alone both of you.”
“Just do it. Just let her lead the way.” I can feel it in my heart. “Trust her. Listen to her. Try with her, and at least y’all will be okay. It’ll work. You know I’m right.”
He pulls back, his blue eyes searching mine. “Nothing will ever be right, Colt, if you’re not with me, too.”