Page 3 of Deadly Desires
“Something like that,” I reply.
“You should get back out there! Date around a bit!” she suggests.
“I’ve thought about it… but I don’t even know if I know how to flirt anymore, it’s been so long since I dated anyone.”
“Well, you never know until you try. I’m sure it’s like riding a bike,” she says slyly with a wink.
“True… maybe I’ll give it a chance… we’ll see,” I hesitantly reply. I’m not ready to dive into this conversation, and I think she gets the hint, because next thing you know she’s switching the topic back to the store.
“So, what made you want to work here of all places then?”
“My love for books. Specifically, romance. I was desperate for a job too. It just worked out that I saw the hiring sign in your window, like divine intervention.”
“I totally believe in that stuff! I think it was definitely fate. We are going to be best friends! Just you watch!”
I’m a little caught off guard by her statement as it’s only my first day, but Brooke has such an infectious personality. I would be lying if I said I couldn’t see us being fast friends. I just hope that I can be a good enough friend. I’ve spent so long pushing people away, I don’t know if I can be what people need... what people want.
After my shift is over, I head straight home. Brooke’s words from earlier in the day resonate in my mind. Maybe I should open up my Tinder and just see what’s out there. As I heat up my leftover spaghetti and pour myself a generous glass of wine, I re-download Tinder from the Cloud. I haven’t used it since before Brian and I started dating… it’s been so long.
My phone pings, signaling the download has completed; I grab my spaghetti and wine, my comfy blanket, and curl up on the couch. As I eat, I log into my Tinder and start scrolling. After realizing that I have to pay to see my likes and actually message people, I get up to get my wallet.
As I pass my front windows, something catches my eye in my peripheral vision, but when I look over, it’s gone. I am really starting to lose it… I could have sworn I saw a person across the street, staring at my house. I get a wave of the chills. I shake it off and grab my wallet. I swing by the front door on my way to make sure it’s locked and the deadbolt is activated before doing the same for the back door.
Never can be too safe.
Once I have Tinder paid for, I start scrolling. Some of these men make me almost snort out my wine. I’m swiping left far more than I am swiping right. I can’t help but start to feel discouraged. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this… I get up quickly and pour myself another glass of wine. Sweet red wine, or any dessert wine really, is my favorite drink in the evenings to unwind. Satisfied with my over generous pour, I head back to the couch and continue swiping and viewing profiles. Seriously, some of these men are just audacious in their pursuit of a female body to warm their bed.
As the wine loosens me up, I can’t help the giggles that are slipping past my otherwise cool and collected exterior. Figuring it’s getting late, I go through a few more swipes for the night. Going back to review all the men I swiped right on, I find the folder empty. What the heck?! The app must have a bug.
Before I throw my phone down on the couch with frustration, I exit the app, force close it, and open it back up. Maybe that’ll reset it or something. The first person to populate on my feed has my mouth popping open with a silent woooooow. He has short-cut, black hair, a short beard that appears well kept and trimmed, light blue almost silver eyes, and pierced ears. I’m assuming he’s also covered in tattoos by the few that are inked on his neck peeking from his shirt. The man is mouth watering—a straight up Adonis.
Now that the picture has intrigued me, I click on it to view his profile. I’m not too surprised by what I find first; he loves motorcycles and sports cars. I could have easily pegged him for that type by his looks alone. I keep scrolling to look at his details. What I am surprised by is that he labeled himself as a Potterhead. I’m impressed. Those books made me discover my love for reading. His name is Jaxon, he’s twenty-nine-years-old—only one year older than me—and is looking for a monogamous relationship. Hmm, not sure if I’m ready for a full-on relationship though.
Going out on a limb, I decide to scroll up and officially swipe right on him. It’s a long shot with him being so gorgeous and me being… well, me. I swirl my wine and take another sip.
Before I can even set my wine down, I see an alert light up my phone screen with a notification that I’ve been matched. Nervousness blossoms in my stomach, but it’s quickly replaced by a liquid courage burning it away with each sip of my wine. I open the app and go to my notifications. I click on the match alert and almost drop my wine.
What are the chances? No, seriously. What are the chances that it’s the hottie that is tatted and pierced? Is it a full moon tonight? I’m spiraling. This can’t be happening. Any liquid courage I had is officially gone. I’m definitely not even in his league. You would think someone like him should be with a skinny blonde with perky tits who has an equal love for fast vehicles.
Thinking it’s probably a mistake, I exit Tinder and hold down my finger on the app icon. The options quickly display, and I immediately click “delete app”. I’m hyperventilating, my anxiety is through the roof.
I can’t do this.
Chapter 3.5
So my sweet song is finally coming back out into the world. No more hiding away at home, no more hiding away from me.
I noticed another man following her yesterday. He piqued my interest enough that the big bad monster has decided he wants to come out and play, and claim what is rightfully his.
Istopped by her place tonight, hoping to catch a glimpse of my little sparrow. Pulling up to her street, I cut the lights to my BMW so I didn’t bring any unwanted attention to myself and parked down the street. The night was quiet and the street dimly light; all the better for checking in on her.
She lives in a nice house, which makes me wonder what she does for a living. The house is a crisp white with a black metal roof and a two-car, attached garage. If I had to guess by the size it probably has two or three bedrooms. The house is definitely a modern farmhouse type, which seems to be all the rage right now. On the left side of the house is a large bay window, where I can see her cozied up with a blanket on the couch. Why she leaves her curtains open for just anyone to watch her is causing my jaw to tick in frustration.