Page 35 of Deadly Desires
I really am starting to believe Brooke on that though. Everything has fallen into place since meeting Jax, other than this fucker trying to come back into my life. It just feels right. I don’t know how else to explain it. He would seriously be considered a walking red flag to most women, but I have always seen red as a pretty shade of pink anyway. Plus, he’s so god damn mouth watering and possessive to the point he makes me undeniably wet. He’s thoughtful and always ready to do and be whatever I need.
Once we’re ready to go, Jaxon picks up the bill and we decide to head back to my place. It’s about an hour to get there, so I pull my kindle out of my purse and start reading while Jax drives.
The hour drive to my house feels like only twenty minutes have passed as uneasiness settles into my stomach. What if he’s in there? What if he comes back for me? Jax senses the change in me and puts a hand on my thigh. “You ok, little sparrow?”
“Yeah, just freaking out a bit.”
“It’ll be OK. We’ll go in, survey the work they did, grab a few things, and then be gone. In and out, no problem.”
Only, we don’t get in and get out. Not because of anything to do with my attacker, but because we argue about the work done in my house. They did an amazing job, the house looks like nothing ever happened. Everything that was shredded or broken has been replaced with the same or similar items. It’s quite impressive really. But what doesn’t sit right with me is that yet again, the Stonewell family has paid for everything.
“I am not a charity case, Jax. I can pay for things myself.”
“With what money? Your mom and dad’s? No, I take care of you now. Anything you need, I will provide.”
“I have money set aside, Jax. Money I received when I turned eighteen, much like yourself. Though it’s nowhere near the amount you got, it’s enough to pay for the repairs.”
“Little sparrow, we’re not having this argument anymore. It’s done and there’s nothing you can do about it now.”
“Jax, this isn’t right… this is not how a relationship works.”
“Oh… let’s talk about that last bit. We ARE in a relationship Melody, one where I provide for you. Whatever you need or want. It’s my job to see that you get whatever your heart desires.”
“Ugh, Jax. We’re in a relationship, huh? Are we officially putting titles on each other, because at your Aunt and Uncle’s house you were quick to call me your girlfriend even though we never talked about that.”
“Yes, little sparrow, you are my girlfriend. If I had the choice, you would be my wife, but seeing as I can’t convince you to go off and get married to me right this second, I will settle for ‘girlfriend.’ For now.”
My mouth hangs open at his audacity. His wife?! Oh my god, we have only been whatever this is, for a week. I stomp off to my closet to grab a few pairs of underwear and my favorite bras. Stuffing them in a bag harder than necessary, I grab my perfume as well and stick it in the bag. Seeing that Jax’s car only has room for the two of us, and has almost non-existent trunk space, I lay out the clothes I want to bring to his house on my bed. He assures me that his men will grab the clothes tomorrow and bring them to his house, along with the shoes I picked out.
Exiting my bedroom, I yell down the stairs to Jax that I am ready to go. He appears at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me to descend. He doesn’t say anything, but he wears a cocky smirk on his face like he’s won. I suppose he has as I’m willingly going back with him.
The car ride is essentially silent as we both focus on our own thoughts. I’m still upset at him for paying for everything without talking to me first. He’s probably over there simmering that I’m not his wife right now. Whatever the case, he still has one hand on my thigh, and while I’m upset with him, I still feel comforted by that small presence.
As we get close to town, we start to run into a bit more traffic. The light turns green and Jax takes off. Before we make it halfway through the intersection, I turn to see lights coming at us before they’re slamming into Jaxon’s driver side, the screech of metal and tires filling my ears.
We must be spinning through the air because I see glass fall past my face to the roof of the car before coming back down again. I’m slammed side to side before the vehicle comes to a stop. As I come to, I feel a trickle of blood running down my face, but the world is filled with smoke and sirens.
I look over and see Jax is completely knocked out. I reach out my hand to his neck, hoping to god that there is a pulse. Panic overtakes me when I don’t immediately find one, however I push down a little more and feel the steady thrum of his pulse. Before I can even exhale a sigh of release, my passenger side door is being yanked open, my seatbelt undone, and I’m being dragged away from the vehicle. I look back to see a masked man and dread fills me. Now that I’m out of the car, I can see it is slightly on fire, and I have renewed panic that Jax is still in the vehicle.
“JAXON!” I scream with everything I have. I see him stir slightly before his head slumps down again.
“JAXON!” I scream again before something is put over my nose and mouth. I breathe in something sweet and cloying before my world starts to darken. The last image I see before I pass out is Jax lifting his head and struggling to get out. He won’t be able to though, he’s pinned.
It’s the last thought I have before my world goes completely dark.
“JAXON!” I hear Melody scream, but everything is so heavy I can barely lift my head. I’m out of it and can barely think straight. I smell smoke and burning rubber. I try to move my hand over to the passenger seat to check on Melody, but my hand meets nothing but air.
My eyes snap open. Where is Melody?
My head whips to the sound of her scream, only to see a masked man placing something over her mouth and nose. She looks at me once more before her eyes close and her whole body slumps in his grasp.
“MELODY!” I scream, my voice hoarse from all the smoke spilling into the car.