Page 6 of Deadly Desires
“Umm, hi, Brooke. Who’s this?”
“Sorry, girl, my uncle was busy so you get James instead. He’s one of my older brothers.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Melody,” he says while holding out his hand. He has a slight accent, as though he originated from England, but it’s been lessened by living in the states.
“Nice to meet you, James.” We shake hands and I move to the side so they can come into my house.
“I’m sorry to have called you, Brooke, but I had no idea who else to call, and I was freaking out…”
She cuts me off before I can continue my nervous blabbering.
“It’s all good. James is going to take a look around if you can show him where to go. He’s not a cop like Uncle Bill, but he’s pretty good at this stuff all the same.”
I’m just grateful for anyone to be here right now so I’m not alone. After directing James to my walk-in closet, I send a quick text to my parents letting them know I can’t make it tonight and that I’m not feeling well. They text back that they hope I feel better and they hope I can make it next Sunday.
“Well, I can tell you that whoever left these items was very careful. Not a single set of prints that I could get off them, and there appears to be no sign of forced entry anywhere in the house. Though, they could have come in your bedroom window. It was unlocked,” James states while coming in the room from upstairs.
“Shit, shit, shit,” I start muttering under my breath. How could I be so reckless? I always lock my windows. I don’t how I missed it.
“Alright, everything is going to be OK,” Brooke says while rubbing circles on my back. “You just take the day off tomorrow. I’ll handle the store.”
“Are you sure, Brooke? I hate to not come in on my first day on my own.”
“Totally fine. You’ve had quite a scare. Take the day to just relax and maybe look into getting a better security system installed. Though I still think you should call the cops.”
“Thank you, Brooke… honestly they would probably think I was losing my mind.”
“I agree with Brooke, Miss Harper,” says James ever so proper. “At least it will be documented should anything else happen. And I second a much better security system. Yours appears not to be functional at all. I actually know someone that can get it installed for you. Let me give him a quick call.”
James leaves the room to call whoever he’s going to call, and Brooke comes over to sit at the dining room table with me. I put my head into my hands and just shake my head. “I can’t believe this is happening… I should have gotten the security system fixed a long time ago,” I say to myself.
Brooke, having seen my collection, grabs a bottle of wine and unscrews the top, handing me over the full bottle. “Girl, you need this right now. No one is judging.”
“Thanks, Brooke, for everything. If I tell my parents about this I’ll be whisked away faster than you could blink an eye, so telling them is completely out of the question.”
“Hey, I totally get it.”
“Miss Harper, my contact will be by tomorrow at 9 A.M. to install a new security system for you. The best of the best. His name is Franklin and he has his own security business. He’ll get you set up with everything in no time,” says James as he walks back into the room.
Feeling tears coming on, I mumble out a quick thank you, give Brooke a hug, and walk them to the front door. “Seriously, thank you both so much.”
“No problem, lady. You get some rest now, and just be assured that Franklin will take care of you. He’s a long time friend of my brothers, so I know he’ll only get you top of the line gadgets,” Brooke replies before turning and leaving.
I wave them goodbye and lock the door as well as the deadbolt. I have never felt unsafe in my own house, but I suppose there is a first for everything. As the day starts to catch up with me, I head back up to my bedroom. Now that I can rest assured no one is up here, I head into my walk-in to grab my pajamas. I refuse to even glance at the pearls and rose still on my table.
Once I’m warm and cozy, I cuddle up in bed and stare at my ceiling. I wish I knew who left the pearls, but in reality it can only be one person. What does he want? I ask myself this over and over without a clear answer. The more I think about it though, the angrier I get. How dare he come back after all this time and try to undo all the work I’ve done on myself. How dare he…
Eventually I fall into a restless sleep.
Chapter 7.5
Present Day
Now I have her attention and on our anniversary no less. I knew the pearls would do the trick. I remember back when I took them from her pretty neck, a little parting gift if you will.
Now… well, now she remembers. She’s spent the last year trying to forget me, but all of that is going to change.