Page 42 of A Broken Ember
Anastasius turned to face me, his cheeks flaming red, but he wasn’t able to hide the beginnings of a smile from me. In this position, our lips were a breath apart. There was a jagged edge to his lower lip where he tended to bite it. I wanted to run my tongue along it and memorize the unique shape. My cock swelled at his proximity. He was a temptation, a distraction. I needed to put space between us before I caved. With my heart aching, I pulled back. “I imagine your presence has been missed. We should return.” Anastasius' eyes darted between mine, seeing my longing to remain but also my resolve to return. After a moment, he nodded, disappointment flashing in his eyes.
Chapter 42: Anastasius
I wasn’t sure what was going on between Claeg and I. We were always so hot and cold, our obsession a blazing need that dashed into broken embers when we got too close. All I knew was that I wouldn’t stop fighting for him. The gods had entwined our paths for a reason. It couldn’t be chance. Not now, when I was preparing to become De Vita.
Claeg and I returned to find Rohit standing by the hearth, his back to us. His knuckles were clenched so tightly they were white and the rigidness between his shoulders. “Rohit?” I closed the distance between us with a few fast steps. At the sound of my voice, he tensed further. My stomach churned. Slowly, he turned to face me, revealing a bruised, swollen eye and split lip. “What the fuck happened to you?” I hissed, anger rolling through me. My heart twisted at the thought of his suffering. My friend glanced behind me at Claeg. “You can trust him,” I assured him, but he gave me a look that said he wasn’t certain about that. Regardless, he trusted me, choosing to speak.
“My sister…” He turned away, cheeks flaming to match his hair. The implication was clear.
“Oriana did this to you?! I'll sa—”
Rohit quickly cut me off. “Your father is displeased.” He had borne the consequences of my actions, yet he still worried for me. I looked at Claeg. My Selected was lounging on the bed, watching us curiously.
“I had to do it. Eleos…” I bit my lip, rage boiling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t turn my back for a moment without someone I cared about being hurt by my father. First Ercan, then Claeg, and now Rohit... “I have to go see my father. Stay with him?” I gestured towards Claeg, who made a displeased face but didn’t comment. His words haunted me: I am a puppet in chains. Was I just another chain for him?
“Of course. Go,” he replied flatly. I mumbled a thank-you before using the balcony to shift.
I dragged myself to the top of the mesa where my father was waiting. Dread made every beat of my wings harder. Still, I moved at a crawl. I should’ve known he wouldn’t let me indulge in my desires while indebted to him. With Odon... There would be consequences for any behavior he deemed an infraction.
I flew to my destination, each flap of my wings filling me with dread. The sight below me made my heart skip a few beats. Father stood with Calian and Hariasa at his back, both of them armed and wearing menacing expressions. But between them stood Odon, without a weapon, clad in a majestic green tunic. It wasn't dissimilar to the one Claeg had torn off me. I wore it now, having used magic to mend it. That crown of teeth lay above his lowered brow. I swallowed a mouthful of fear. While Calian and Hariasa were strong, it was my father’s smug expression of presumed dominance that sent chills down my spine.
I glared and dropped to the ground before them. For a moment, I held on to my draconis, feeling less vulnerable in this form, but eventually I had to relent.
Father smirked at me. “Foolish boy. You dare defy me with such blatant disrespect?” He clenched his fists and spat at my feet. I winced.
My hands went to the crystal containing magic around my neck. I twisted it around, the power enticing to wield. I could use it to escape. Leave and take Claeg, Rohit, and Ercan with me. Go to Eikonia. The land of magic, where Hen was from. When my father threatened to Save her, I freed her. Perhaps she had returned. Hopefully that was why none of the scouting parties could find her, but a nagging thought pulled at my mind—maybe she was in the hands of the Circulus. She had always found their ideology intriguing. The thought should have been unsettling, but after meeting Claeg… What would they do with her power? Would she offer them the same deal she had to my father? A favor for magical knowledge. It was supposed to be a simple trade.
“You will bed her before tomorrow,” he demanded, making my heart sink. I swallowed.
“And if I don't?” I lifted my head high. He snorted.
“You will regret that choice.” He shrugged. “You and your Eleos.” The way he spat the name made the base of my spine chill and stiffen. He hadn't mentioned the fledgling. Had the Circulus already revealed who Claeg was before his death?
“You won’t touch him,” I growled back just before he went to unsheath his draconis. Father turned back toward me with a raised eyebrow.
“And I suppose you are going to stop me with your weak-willed heart?” Odon sneered, and I swallowed. He held my eye for a moment before turning away with a dark chuckle. Odon shifted, letting out a ghost of a flame on his breath. His tail lashed the air like a whip. I ground my teeth, clinging to my form with everything I could.
Father’s time needed to end. Quickly.
Chapter 43: Claeg
Rohit stared at me as his fingers idly played with the ring he always wore. It was peculiar—sometimes it glowed; other times it was a dull green. The crystal matched the necklace the prince wore. Right now, it shimmered with energy. Presumably, the crystals were related to the magic, but I wasn't certain how—whether they were conduits, containers, or outright created the magic. Whatever they were, I would find out and take at least one with me.
“Walk with me?” My own question surprised me.
Rohit stood, eyeing me warily, as if he wasn’t sure what to make of my request. Eventually, he nodded sharply. I followed him out of Anastasius’ room. The smell of spice was different here: it lacked that smoke-and-honey scent that was uniquely the prince’s. It was a comfort I was afraid to admit and even more afraid to lose. Any happiness we found together would end soon. Whether that was in a few days or a few moon turns, it was inevitable. Until then, though, I would allow myself this. I took a deep breath. Yes, I would allow myself to indulge in the pleasures Anastasius offered. When the end came, it would leave me broken. Leaving Anastasius, the man who called me Eleos, the man who saw my brokenness and didn’t flinch away, would destroy all the parts of me he had healed. He showed me a balance I hadn’t thought possible.
So, I walked down the hallways of De Vita, for once not plotting or scheming but instead memorizing the way the people here laughed and lived. And it was beautiful. A small girl darted past me, shrieking as a younger boy chased her. Her dark curls bounced with her, eyes alight with excitement as she taunted the little boy. I couldn’t help but watch their innocence. The boy stumbled on chubby legs, my heart leaping when he tumbled to the ground hard. A terrifying yelp pierced the air as the boy screamed in pain. Blood flashed before my eyes, and the Ruptor within me stirred with the urge to not harm the child, but protect them from the pain. I took a step toward him, but a firm hand held me back. Rohit. A glance over my shoulder showed he was clutching his dagger. He thought I meant to harm the children. I deserved that mistrust and more. So, I stood back and watched as the girl turned around and soothed the crying boy—Theo. She cooed at him and kissed his tears. When he was laughing again, she held out her hand and they resumed their chase. The sight made my heart twist with jealousy. Things were different here. Here, children ran, they fell, they cried, and they got back up again. Who would I be if I were shown the same mercy? I squirmed uncomfortably at the thought. When the children were out of sight, Rohit relaxed slightly.
“I wouldn’t have hurt them,” I growled, jerking away from Rohit. He glared at me.
I stared at him quietly, pausing to assess the statement—it was true. When I arrived, I thought my purpose had been to destroy, to weaken. Tendrils of a new desire—one to protect kept crawling into my mind.
“Tell me about your sister,” I said, desperate to change the subject. Rohit's blackened eyes attempted to widen in surprise, but they only managed to twitch a little. “Oriana is your sister, right?” A slow nod. “How was she Selected?” Rohit winced, and I caught the way he discretely clutched his side. My gaze followed the movement, assessing him closely. His body was taut, and he favored his right. I let my eyes travel up his body; the Ruptor sensed the bruises blossoming on his torso, bright violets and deep purples mixed with shadow-black. His core had been mercilessly brutalized. I blinked and stared at the weakness, but the Ruptor was quiet.
“She proved she was the most loyal to De Vita,” he responded, wrenching my attention back. Rohit met my eyes, the look he gave me telling me he knew that I knew about his weakness and challenging me to do something about it.
“How did she prove that?” I asked under my breath, fearing the answer. Rohit snorted.