Page 3 of I Need It
“Damn!” she said then pulled her hand from mine and covered her mouth.
I chuckled as I pulled her hand from her face. “He’s a big baby, that’s for sure.”
“Well, height must run in your family.”
“Mm hmm. My brother, the baby’s father, is six six. I’m six five. My older brother is six three, I think. My parents, uncles, and aunts are all tall as well.”
“There was an extremely tall man in the waiting area.”
“Yeah, my uncle and my cousin’s husband are both six eight.”
“Whew, chile!”
I chuckled as she glanced up at me. I could imagine what her thoughts were. “So why did you have surgery?”
She licked her lips but remained quiet. If she was on this floor, she either had a baby or female trouble. Apparently, she didn’t feel comfortable sharing. “My bad. I didn’t mean to get all in your business like that. What’s your name?”
“Mya. Yours?”
“Well, thank you, Christian, for helping me to my room. It’s straight ahead.”
“You’re welcome.”
I had to try to shoot my shot. I could not allow this woman out of my presence without doing so. Who was to say I would ever see her again? I pushed the slightly ajar door open. “Mya? I know this may seem awkward, but is there a way I can contact you? You seem cool, and I would like to get to know you.”
She frowned slightly. “You wanna get to know me? You might run in the opposite direction if you do.”
I bit my bottom lip, subduing a smile. She gave me a smirk. “Those pink lips are sexy though. Give me your phone.”
I pulled it from my pocket, unlocked the screen, and handed it to her. She smiled and began saving her number in it. “I put my last name as hospital, because I have a feeling you have a roster. That ain’t meant to be an insult. You’re a very handsome man.”
“Thank you. You’re a very beautiful woman. I like how upfront you are.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half. I’ll probably be getting discharged today or tomorrow since I’m doing well. Be careful going home though.”
I smiled at her and watched her get to her bed. When she took off her housecoat and sat on the bed, I said, “Get some rest, beautiful.”
She smiled, and I left her room. When I got close to the elevators, nosy ass Uncle Storm was standing there. “How you flirt with a woman in the hospital? Yo’ ho ass knows no bounds.”
“Keep on and I won’t show up to your house. Y’all will pass out from heat stroke before I get there.”
He frowned as I chuckled. That nigga could always dish it better than he could take it. He pointed at me. “I will hunt your ass down like you be hunting them rabbits and put a bullet in your ass. Fuck with me if you want to.”
He shoved me in the head as a smirk appeared on his lips. “Be careful going home, nigga.”
“A’ight. See you later.”
KJ gave me a head nod from the waiting area, and I chunked him the deuce then got on the elevator.
There was no way I could tell that fine ass man that I was in the hospital because I’d just lost a baby. I had an ectopic pregnancy, and they surgically removed it. I’d just found out I was pregnant two weeks ago. I started cramping unbearably bad, so I came to the emergency room. I hadn’t even had my first doctor’s appointment yet. I was thankful that I took the cramping seriously. Had I not, I could have lost my fallopian tube or even my life.
There was some damage to the tube, and they were able to repair it. It would take a week for that to heal. I just wished I had someone that could have been here with me. My mama died when I was fourteen, and I was an only child. My dad lived in Mesquite and couldn’t get here in time. He planned to be here in the morning to help me around the house.