Page 2 of Breath By Breath
“Hi, Lena, welcome.” She types on her computer and smiles with a slight nod as the printer whirs to life, and she reaches behind her to grab what I assume is my schedule. “Here you go, dear. If you have any issues at all, you come right back to see me. Now, let me see who your buddy is going to be.”
“My buddy?”
“Yeah, we pull another senior from first period study hall and have them give you a tour of the school. We’ve found it much easier if a peer does the tour instead of the office staff. Makes newcomers like yourself feel more at ease and helps you meet new people.” She offers me a kind smile, which I return. I’m not sure if her theory is correct, but meeting new people and not feeling like an outcast is super appealing.
I’m standing off to the side, staring out the window, waiting for whoever it is that’s going to take me under their wing this morning. I hope whoever it is, he or she is nice and aren’t all angry and broody that they’re missing their study hall catch-up time with their friends to show me around. The last thing I need is to make an enemy on day one.
“Mrs. G, you’re looking as beautiful as ever,” a masculine voice says behind me.
I don’t turn to look. Whoever he is, he’s probably trying to charm his way into something.
“Mr. Riggins, what can I do for you this morning?”
“I’m here for you, Mrs. G. Mr. Harper sent me from study hall.” Great, Mr. Smooth is my tour guide. I still don’t turn to look. Instead, I choose to keep my eyes trained out the window.
“Oh, well, I thought Abigail was on the rotation list for this week.”
“She is, but she has a headache, so I volunteered.”
“All right, but, Stanley Riggins, I’m warning you now. You must be on your best behavior. Don’t make me call your momma.”
“Mrs. G.,” he gasps as if he’s offended. It’s hilarious, and I have to bite down on my lip to keep a chuckle from escaping. This guy, he’s full of confidence, and just from this conversation alone, I know he’s trouble.
“Fair enough. Lena Hartford, this is Stanley Riggins. He’s going to show you around the school and help you identify each of your classrooms.”
Time’s up.
I turn my gaze to the kind receptionist. “Thank you, Mrs. Garrison.” I give her a kind smile before turning to look at Mr. Suave. I open my mouth to say hello, but I can’t seem to find my voice. Standing before me is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. He’s tall, well over six feet, with dark hair and broad shoulders.
“Lena.” He says my name like a caress. His eyes are locked with mine, and suddenly, it’s hard to breathe.
I swallow thickly. “Yes. That’s me. Lena.” I point to my chest, and my face flames with embarrassment. I clear my throat. “It’s nice to meet you.” I offer him my hand, remembering my manners, and he doesn’t hesitate to take it.
Instantly, there’s a spark that ignites between us. His eyes flare, and he whispers, “Magic.” His eyes are wide, and his grip on my hand is firm.
I don’t hate it.
“Go on now. You’ve got all of first period to show her around. I expect you both in your second-period classes.” Mrs. G shoos us out of the room.
I’m shocked when Stanley laces his fingers through mine, an intimate gesture as he leads me out of the office into the now-quiet hallway. He guides me to the end of the hall, away from any windows, and stops. He stands still, his eyes raking over me. He stops at our joined hands.
“Where you from, Lena?” he asks softly. He lifts his gaze from our hands, waiting patiently for my answer.
My throat is dry, but I manage to answer, “Tennessee. About forty minutes from here.”
He nods. “You here for good?”
I return his nod. “Yeah.” I don’t get into why I’m here, and right now, Stanley doesn’t seem to care about that either.
“You got a boyfriend waiting for you forty minutes from here?” He takes a step closer, putting us toe-to-toe as he tilts his head to the side. Again, he waits as if we have all the time in the world for my reply.
A slow, sexy grin pulls at his lips. “Good. That means I don’t have any competition.” He winks, and a million butterflies take flight in my belly. I’ve never responded this way to anyone before.
Why Stanley? Why this guy? Why now? When my world has been uprooted, and I’m trying to find my footing.
“What?” I ask, not sure I heard him right. I let myself get lost in my thoughts. Surely, he didn’t say what I thought he did.