Page 24 of Breath By Breath
I told her I would support her no matter what, and she decided that she wanted to try. The little man latched right on like a pro for his first meal, but I have a feeling he’s getting hungry again.
“That’s a vision I’ll never forget,” a groggy voice says.
“Look, buddy, Mommy’s awake.”
“How are my boys?”
“Perfect. We’re perfect. How are you feeling?”
“Sore.” She pushes herself up, and I scramble to my feet, cautious of our sleeping son, to help her. “My boobs are heavy.”
“I think he’s ready too.” I place him on the bed next to her, wrap him back up like a little burrito, just like the nurse taught me, and hand him to his momma.
“Now that,” I say, sitting on the bed next to her, wrapping my arm around them both, “is a vision I’ll never forget.”
She laughs softly as she runs the tip of her index finger over his cheek. “We need to give this little guy a name.”
“Is there one from the list that’s standing out to you now that we’ve met him?”
“Not really. There are so many good ones, and this is a big deal, Stanley. He’s going to be stuck with this name the rest of his life.”
“I agree.” I smile as I press my lips to her temple.
“What about you? Is there a name that’s sticking out to you?”
She peers up at me. “Do I have to offer sexual favors to get you to tell me?” she teases.
“Hey, now, let’s not be talking about that. You’re out of commission for six to eight weeks.”
“My mouth’s not.” She smirks.
“Lena Riggins!” I pretend to scold her, and she laughs, making our baby boy jerk in her arms.
“Mommy’s sorry. You’ll learn we have to tease Daddy to keep him on his toes,” she tells our son. “All right, husband, hit me with it.”
“Royce. Royce Riggins.”
“Royce,” she whispers.
“It’s a strong name. Has a nice ring to it.”
“I love it. I love it so much. Welcome to the world, Royce Riggins.”
I snuggle them both in close, pressing a kiss to my wife’s cheek as she rests against me while feeding our son. Today has been more than I ever anticipated it could have been. I never knew my heart was capable of this much love.
With each day that passes, I find even more layers to the love this woman has brought to my life. Layer by layer, that love grows stronger.
Stanley has been working crazy hours for the last couple of weeks. He’s been making sure he’s home for dinner and to help put Royce to bed, but he’s right back at it after that. So I’ve officially declared Sundays as family days, and he tries his hardest not to work at all.
The business has grown into more than we ever could have imagined. I’m so proud of him. That’s why I took a half day of vacation and picked Royce up from day care early. We’re going to stop by and take him lunch. I know he’s busy, but I also know that this will be a welcome surprise. Not just for Stanley, but for all of us. We miss him.