Page 28 of Breath By Breath
“I like that plan.” I stare down at our sleeping baby as I mentally go through our list of names. “Owen. Owen Riggins.” He’s quiet and calm, almost serene. Owen is a strong name for my strong little man. He’s got dark hair like his daddy, and his older brother.
“Welcome to the family, Owen Riggins.” Stanley bends to kiss his forehead before doing the same to mine. “Breath by breath, my love for you grows,” he whispers. His gaze lifts to mine. “Piece by piece, you manage to steal more of my heart and soul when I thought you already owned it all.”
“Breath by breath and piece by piece,” I repeat, my voice cracking. My heart is so full it could burst with love and happiness. Our family is growing. We have two beautiful baby boys, who I’m sure are going to be the best of friends. I can’t wait to watch them grow up together.
This is the life. Our bellies are full, having just finished dinner. My wife is curled up in my arms on the couch as we watch our sons play on the living room floor. Just as we knew he would be, Royce is a great big brother. Owen tries to mimic everything his big brother does. At three and one, they’re a handful, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Royce, be careful,” Lena warns.
“I’s am, Mommy,” our oldest son replies sweetly.
“Uh-huh.” She chuckles. He’s being a little rough with Owen as they play with their trucks on the living room floor. Namely, crashing his into Owen’s foot. Owen doesn’t seem to care, but it’s better to get a handle on it now before Royce decides he needs to crash harder. He loves his little brother, but he’s also ornery.
“How’s that project you were working on at the office?” I ask Lena.
“It’s going. Just lots of red tape.”
She used to love her job, and I think she still does, but I know her heart’s here at home with the boys. I’ve mentioned a few times since Owen was born that I think she should stay home with the boys full time. Riggins Enterprises is soaring. We can afford for her to stay home and raise our boys. That’s what she really wants. I just need her to understand it’s okay. I want her to be happy, and being with the boys does that.
“You know, if you were to stay home with the boys, that red tape would disappear. Instead, you’d get red crayons,” I tease.
She laughs, just as I hoped she would. “You work so hard. I need to contribute to our household too.”
What? I do a double take. “Wait a minute. Hold up.” I sit up and turn sideways so that I can see her face. She does the same so that we’re eye to eye. “You contribute to this household every damn day, Lena Riggins. You are the glue that holds us together. That has nothing to do with your day job. It has everything to do with the mother and the wife who keeps her family running like a well-oiled machine while working a full-time job.”
“I… would just feel guilty. I wouldn’t be using my degree, and you’d have to support us.”
“No.” I’m shaking my head as I speak because I need her to understand. “No. No. No. Baby, listen to me.” I take her hands in mine, bringing them to my lips for a kiss as I collect my thoughts. “This business, it’s both of us. I might be the one who goes to the office at Riggins Enterprises every day, but, baby, it wouldn’t be this successful without you. You helped me get it off the ground and running. You’re there to bounce ideas off, and even if your support is more silent since the boys came along and we’ve expanded, I know it’s there. I can feel it with me every single day.
“Why don’t you take over at Riggins, and I’ll stay home with the boys?” I offer. I’d do it in a heartbeat, but I know my wife. That’s not what she wants.
“What? No. I want to stay home with them.”
I smile, and she rolls her eyes. “Was that so hard?”
“I just feel guilty.”
“Guilty? For raising our sons? For nurturing them? That’s what you’ve always wanted, Lena. To be a mom, to have a family of your own. We’re lucky that we can afford for you to raise our boys. I’m not pressuring you, but, baby, I know you. I know this is what you want.”
“I really do.”
“Especially with this one on the way.” I reach out and place my hand over her belly.
“What are you talking about?”
“We’re pregnant,” I tell her.
“Did you fall and hit your head today at the office?” she asks.
I wink at her. “Nope.”
“We’re not pregnant.”