Page 53 of Saving Scarlett
“Hey, that’s what friends are for,” Ashley chimed in, beaming at me from across the room, opening the door and allowing the trickle of customers in.
For the next few hours, I busied myself behind the counter, catching up with my regulars and refamiliarizing myself with working in my own store. Since the night Bane had taken me from my home in the night, I had been gone for more than two months, so there was a lot I had to catch up on. I was grateful to Ashley and Jack for taking care of my store as though it was their own and running it in my absence without incident.
“The usual?” I asked as the next customer approached, a man who’d been coming into my store since the day I’d opened it.
Henry’s eyes crinkled behind his wire-rimmed glasses and he nodded. “Yes, but this time you’ll take my money, Miss Scarlett. I’m happy to see you’ve returned.”
Turning around, I filled a coffee cup with dark roast, setting it in front of him and taking the crisp five-dollar bill in his hand. “I’ll take your money, but I’ll put it in the tip drawer for my employees.”
With another smile, he pulled another bill out of his bill fold. “In that case, I’ll sweeten the pot. They’ve certainly taken care of me in your absence.”
He walked to his favorite spot by the window. I savored the warmth that spread through me at the sight of my customers all enjoying what I’d built. It meant so much to me to be a part of their lives.
The late afternoon sun filtered through the bookstore windows, casting a warm golden glow over the shelves and customers browsing their contents. My heart swelled with contentment as I watched Ashley help a young couple pick out a Christmas gift for their parents. The simple act of assisting someone in finding the perfect book brought me so much joy. I glanced at Jack, who was expertly arranging a display of holiday-themed novels near the entrance, his dedication evident in his focused expression. At that moment, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my incredible friends.
“Scarlett,” Ashley whispered as she approached me, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I think you have a visitor.”
Curiosity piqued, I followed her gaze to the front door where Ethan stood, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed and a playful smile on his lips. He twirled a single red rose in one of his hands, which meant so much more than my friends realized. Joshua had always given me flowers after abusing me—an apology for something I would never forgive, and he would do again. Ethan, on the other hand, had nothing to apologize to me for. He was the most amazing partner I could have ever dreamed up.
My pulse quickened at the sight of him in all his semi-goth sexiness, both excited and nervous about what this unexpected visit could mean. We’d been inseparable since he’d rescued me, but I hadn’t expected him to visit me at the store on my first day back.
“Hey there, stranger,” I greeted him, trying to sound casual as I approached. “What brings you here?”
“Can’t I just come see my favorite bookstore owner, mon joli petit amant?“ Ethan teased, pushing away from the door and closing the distance between us. His new nickname for me sent a hot flush across my cheeks. “Actually, I have a surprise for you. I packed you a bag. We’re leaving for the weekend.”
My eyebrows shot up in surprise, and I exchanged a quick glance with Ashley, who was grinning from ear to ear, telling me she must have known about the plan ahead of time. “A weekend getaway?” I asked, the anticipation building in my chest.
“Yep.” Nodding, he stepped forward and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in for a kiss. I could see the amusement on Ashley’s face from over his shoulder, but I just smiled and kissed him again. “But I’m not telling you where we’re going. You’ll have to wait and find out.”
His cryptic response only served to fuel my excitement further. Since our relationship began, we’d been through so much together, and the thought of spending a weekend discovering a new place with him was exciting.
“Alright, I’ll trust you,” I said, meeting his piercing blue eyes. “Give me a few minutes to close up shop, and then we can head out.”
“Take your time.”
Giving my hand a squeeze, he walked toward the same case of books we’d met in front of, pulling Treasure Island off the shelf. With a sexy smile on his face, he brought the book to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sat down to read. I watched him for a moment, realizing it would be difficult for me to get any work done with my sexy man sitting in the same room.
As I turned to inform Ashley and Jack of my sudden departure, their beaming smiles told me they’d both already knew about it. “Did Ethan call the store and let yawl know where he’s taking me?”
Instead of answering, Ashley slid her fingers across her lips as though she was zipping her mouth shut.
Jack laughed. “Make sure you text us when you get there.” He handed me two cups of freshly brewed coffee; his eyes filled with curiosity. “And take lots of pictures!”
“Of course!” I replied with a grin, taking a sip of the steaming liquid. “I’m sure it’s going to be amazing, whatever he has planned. He’s thoughtful like that.”
Wrapping her arms around me, Ashley pulled me into a hug. “Scarlett, we’re so happy for you. You deserve this happiness. Oh…” She paused, turning a glance to where Ethan was sitting. “And he’s hot… so definitely take pictures.”
I huffed a laugh and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see if I can get one with his shirt off, because you’re right. He is hot.”
Chapter 44
The Survivor
Once we left my store, we drove for several hours, but it seemed like no time at all. It also didn’t take me long to realize we were heading to the Smoky Mountains. I was just glad I hadn’t stayed at work until closing time, not that he would have let me, so I wouldn’t be exhausted when we got there. The hours passed with playful banter and stories of our pasts, punctuated by me singing badly along to the radio. When the sky began to turn pink and gold, the sun dipping working its way toward the horizon, Ethan turned onto a gravel road that wound up toward the top of the mountain.
“Almost there,” he said, squeezing my hand. My heart flipped and flopped in my chest. Although I was looking forward to being back at work, I was even more excited to be going on a new adventure with him—one where the only man with a gun was him.
As we made our way up the road lined on both sides with dense forests, I gazed out the window and took in the beauty around us. We pulled to a stop in front of a secluded cabin hidden among the trees. Streams of golden light poured out through the windows, illuminating the grounds and the log exterior. It didn’t look like the kind of place you went to because you had to hide out. It looked like the kind of place you went to because you wanted to hide out.