Page 16 of Silver Splendor
We stuck close to the girls as we left our subterranean prison for the first time in what felt like forever.We were finally free!
“Thank you.” I laid my head on the breadth of his shoulder.
“My pleasure.” Gunnox squeezed me a little tighter and something I could only describe as a fevered zing swirled and knotted behind my sternum. I rubbed at the persistent press, tears springing to my eyes, consumed with a mix of emotions as I finally tasted freedom.
Excitement bubbled up within me, but there was something else stirring deep inside. My reunion with Gunnox was exhilarating, yet there was an inexplicable sensation that didn't belong to me. When our eyes met, his swirling silver gaze seemed to reverberate within my soul, connecting us in a way that went beyond words.
With stealth and speed, we raced through the tunnels, following the huge horned male. The air grew hotter as we ascended from the depths of the mine. My eyes had long since adjusted to the gloom, but after so long in captivity, the lack of light felt suffocating. The crowd quickened their pace, desperate to break free of this place and see the suns again, even on this desolate world.
After what seemed like an eternity, we emerged from the mine onto the rust-colored landscape stretching endlessly before us. I tucked my face into the crook of Gunnox’s throat, cringing away from the blistering sunlight even as my skin rejoiced in the harsh kiss of heat.
“What the fuck?” Leah cursed.
I raised my head to see that the horned male was gone, and watched as Zorin and his wife vanish into thin air. I lifted a hand to shade my eyes and squinted as the Valosians ahead of us vanished one by one.
“Where did they go?” Hannah gasped.
“What’s going on? I don’t like this,” Lucy wailed, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.
“The ship is cloaked,” Gunnox said loudly for all to hear. “Don’t stop. Keep going.”
We ran through a wavy distortion. I cried out as a sleek spacecraft suddenly appeared before us. A ramp was descended and at the top, another one of those golden skinned, horned males.
Tears of joy and relief spilled down my cheeks as we raced up the ramp with the others. We were going home at last. The nightmare was finally over.
Chapter Ten
My hearts swelled with an overwhelming mix of joy and relief that resonated through me as I carried my spirit mate safely aboard the ship. My scales shimmered with a newfound radiance as the fiery rush of adrenalyne coursed through my veins.
Crowded on the command deck, the human females remained huddled close together. Most sobbed with joy while some still held the ashen expression of fear as if any moment it could all be taken away.
Tyrk raised the ramp and closed the hatch on my heels as I was the last to board the ship carrying my female. The cramped confines of the ship buzzed with energy as members of Clan Huren gathered around Vennox, their expressions filled with gratitude and disbelief at their newfound freedom.
We had done it!
We had freed my kinsmen, found Nara’s mate, and rescued a group of human females. And I had found my spirit mate among them. Her spirit called to mine, the urge to mate and complete the bond growing stronger now that we were together.
“Everyone try and spread out.” Ruze waved claw-tipped hands. “There’s room down the corridor and inside the crew cabins. Find seats and strap in. Once the seats are full, find a place to sit on the floor and hang onto each other so we can get this ship off this rock.”
The walls of the Moktian Galaxy Cruiser pressed in on all sides, the air thick with the heat and scent of too many bodies crammed together. I glanced over at Ruze as he and Tyrk assumed their positions at the command console.
I navigated through the throng of people to the other females and set my spirit mate on her feet. “Take a seat on the floor. I need to make sure everyone finds a place before we lift off.”
"Are you coming back?" she asked, clutching my hand as though her life depended on it. My hearts pounded with an ecstatic fervor, each beat resonating with overwhelming joy surging through me at her touch.
“I will never leave you again, my female.”
“Sarah,” she said. “Sarah Parker. That’s my name.”
“Gunnox of Clan Trisess.”
“I know.” She dipped her head shyly. “I heard your kinsmen call you by name after you vanished from the mine.”
Torn between the urgent call to help settle my people before takeoff and the magnetic pull of Sarah's presence, I grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within me. The need to ensure my people's safety tugs at me, a responsibility ingrained in every fiber of my being. Yet, as I peered down into Sarah’s pale blue gaze, I found himself ensnared by the invisible thread that bound us together. The secs ticked by agonizingly slow as I battled the turmoil in my mind, torn between fleeting moments apart to fulfill my obligations and staying by Sarah's side, where her spirit beckoned me closer.
“I shall return before you even realize I’m gone,” I forced out the words. “Have the other females take a seat on the floor.”