Page 58 of Stay with Me
“Need some help?”
She laughed. “Uh, no. Been doing it on my own for quite a few years now.”
I lay there for a second after she left, then got up and followed her, standing in the bathroom doorway as she sat on the toilet.
“Wow, either you really love me or you’re even more twisted than I thought.”
I grinned as I leaned against the door facing. “Both.”
“You’re really gonna stand there and watch me pee?”
I nodded.
“Because I don’t wanna miss a second of being with you.”
She dropped her eyes. “Me either.”
Silence that I should’ve filled reassuring her fell between us until she tore some tissue from the roll, cleaned herself, and flushed the toilet. After she washed her hands, she headed toward where I still stood in the doorway.
“I love you,” I said softly.
“I love you, too.”
We stood there for a moment staring at each other, and then I took her hand and led her back to bed.
“Tell me what I’m supposed to do with it.”
I shook my head, keeping my mouth fastened as I held in my laughter.
“Okay, what is it, then?” He held up the liquid foundation and inspected the bottle. “Okay, it says foundation, so, I’m supposed to put it…shit, this is a set-up. There’s no way I can get this right. Damn, I said shit. Edit that out.”
I burst into laughter. “You also said damn.”
“Shit! You know I curse when I’m frustrated.”
“And when you’re happy and when you have sex, watch TV, brush your teeth—”
He smirked. “Ha, ha, ha. What am I supposed to put this on your face with? Sponge or brush?”
“Ryan, for the fifth time, I can’t tell you.”
He sighed, grabbed a brush, and poured foundation on it, then slathered it on my face. We were filming a “Boyfriend Does My Make-up” video, and I was sure it was going to surpass the hair-washing video’s views, because so far, Ryan’s attempt at applying my make-up had been hilarious.
“Angie, how could I possibly do this right? I mean, look at how much make-up you’ve got!”
“You’re supposed to have paid attention when I was doing my make-up in the past, then you’d know.”
“And hurry up. It’s getting late and you have work in the morning.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
He grabbed the liquid eyeliner and stared at it.