Page 86 of The Omega Verse
I rip off my apron and start towards the back of the bus right as River appears, a rueful smile on his face.
“Oh, babe. I’m so sorry.” I rush forward to wrap my arms around him. He’s all muscle now; still lean and sculpted, but with a glow that in the early stage of his heat is blinding. “We can get Don back here asap and he can drive us through the night…”
But River shakes his head. It sends more of his delicious fruity scent wafting my way and I have to clench my thighs together to swallow a moan. But River knows my body too well to miss the reaction, and just tightens his arms around me. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I think it’s better this way.”
Every instinct tells me to bury my face in his neck and never come out again, but I lean back to read his eyes. “Really?”
His grey eyes are darker than usual, the pupils already dilated with his heat, but he gives me a soft smile. “Being back on the bus, remembering your heat and how sweet the guys were to you… I think I’m ready to bond with them if they still want to.”
An excited whine leaves Silva’s mouth, and he drops to his knees. “Please, please, please let me be the one to go tell them.”
I giggle, and River rolls his eyes. “Sure, but they don’t have to feel obligated…”
Silva leaps to his feet and is gone in a flash. I take a moment to cup River’s cheeks and press a soft kiss to his mouth. Even though he’s taller and broader than me, he melts into my touch, a needy whimper falling from his lips. My head swims with the scent and taste of him, but I pull back before it can deepen. River is always alluring, but with his heat on him, he’s a mouth-watering siren I would happily follow to the darkest depths of the ocean.
“Okay,” I say, clearing my throat. “We adjust the plan a little.” We’ve talked about how he wants his heat to go, but the alphas weren’t in the picture then. “We can start slow. Just one of them with us, to see how you feel.”
River nods, but his brow pinches a little. “Do you think Jett would be cool with going first? I’d hate for him to feel pressured into anything physical, and I’m not sure how I’ll behave once I’m in full heat.”
It makes sense. Jett and River are as close as brothers, and their relationship has only ever been platonic. But I know Jett will be over the moon to finally have this soul-deep connection with our omega.
The guys come in slowly, all stripped down to their board shorts, but keeping their distance so River can get used to their scents.
“You okay, babe?” Jett asks, keeping his arms pressed tightly to his chest. “Silva said you’re about to pull a Cass on us and fuck with our schedule.”
I roll my eyes at him, but River just grins, and I can feel some of the tension seep out of him. “Yep. I was definitely inspired by Cass. A rock 'n' roll heat has to happen on a tour bus, right?”
I blush, but Silva pushes past the alphas to come over and wrap his arms around River. “Baby, I’d fuck you on a garbage truck if you asked me.”
“Ew.” River laughs, but none of us miss the way he nuzzles into Silva’s neck. “But now the where is settled, we should probably talk about the who.” He stays curled between us as he looks at Jett. “Would it be okay if you go first? I know it’s just a token bond when we’re not actually physical mates…”
But Jett is already across the bus, his hand stroking River’s neck. “Babe, I’d be honoured. And there’s nothing token about bonding with someone as fucking awesome as you.”
River’s eyes go misty, but it’s clear he’s starting to sink into his heat, so we quickly discuss the logistics. When we have a plan together, Jett and River head into the bedroom, while the other guys get the bus ready for an extended stay. Silva sneaks off to join River, but Tom holds me back, his thumb stroking my wrist. His brows dip over his chocolate eyes as he says, “I saw that email from Finn on your laptop. You’re really happy for him to get a copy of your blood samples?”
I nod, knowing this isn’t a topic that can wait until after River’s heat. “You can set it up when we reach Brisbane. I want to help the project if I can.”
We’ve talked about this a lot as a pack, and the advantages of learning more about switches outweigh my fear of medical tests. And it’s not like it’s going to be a traumatic experience. Tom will manage all the tests, and he’s well aware of my limits. But he still looks uncertain and I brush his cheek. “This just cements it for me, Tom. Knowing more about how our designations work, and especially what triggers a heat, can only help omegas in general. And if it ever becomes too much, or you think we should pull out of the project…”
“I’ll deal with Finn,” he rumble-growls, and I grin.
“Exactly. But right now, we need your sweetest bedside manner.” I rub up against him a little, knowing River’s sweet scent is getting all over him. “And I’ll be right beside you while you check River out, helping in any way I can.”
I watch as Tom swallows hard enough to make his big throat bob. But before he can answer, Jett is back, slinging an arm around both of us. He takes one look at the bulge in Tom’s board shorts and grins. “I bet you thought R&R stood for rest and relaxation. Hate to break it to you, mate, but in the rock 'n' roll world, it’s ravaged and rooted.” He gives Tom’s arse a cheeky slap. “Now get your knot in there, brother, we’ve got an omega to mate.”