Page 31 of SIN Bone Deep
“Mostly mischief,” Callista said as she began a Norns cast. The first stone she drew was Perthro. Her eyes lifted and met mine, a faint frown between them. The second stone was Jera. The third was Wunjo. “Hmm,” her expression eased. “You have been reading up on demons. Perhaps this is your answer, Nyx?”
“Perhaps,” my voice was hoarse. I swallowed to clear it. “Perhaps it is.”
“He is very handsome,” Fennel volunteered.
“Very flashy,” Callista added.
“That too,” Fennel agreed. “Callista liked the car.” And both aunts smothered their giggles.
“If I haven’t invoked a demon, doesn’t that change things?” I wondered. “Like, there isn’t an agreement in place?”
“He would be the one to answer that,” Callista suggested.
“But don’t start the conversation unless you’re very sure,” Fennel cautioned me and reached out to touch Perthro. “Although Perthro means intense chemistry in romance, it can also mean mystery or secrets. Jera can mean the cycle of life, or justice, or simply not rushing.”
Jera could also refer to a harvest and reaping of what was sown. I could not overlook the connection to Ender, who I suspected was a grim reaper. Grim reapers were associated with a scythe as a symbol of their purpose and role in escorting the dead – the grim harvest.
“As it’s in the place of a challenge or obstacle,” Fennel continued. “It means that you will find this hard to do.”
“She has always been impatient,” Callista agreed.
“Wunjo is a balance stone, joy, success, and deep, respectful love,” Fennel smiled sweetly.
“Something unheard of amongst Vossens,” I reminded her.
“That is true,” Fennel gathered the stones and returned them to their sack. “And that’s something to always keep in mind. Love is like a candle flame. It is bright and beautiful, but it also burns.”
“A man came to the coffee shop today,” I changed the subject.
“There seems to be a lot of men involved in your life at this time, Nyx,” Callista observed with wry amusement, her eyes narrowing as she leaned back in her chair.
“The man from the other night,” I ignored her. “The one with the wife and child. Warren.”
“Ah,” she sat forward. “What of him?”
“He threatened me,” I told her. “I was…” I didn’t want to admit to my fear.
“Hmph,” Callista made the sound through her nose. “Did you report it to your manager?”
“No,” I was taken aback by the suggestion. It had not occurred to me.
“Well, you should,” Callista said firmly. “He cannot come into your workplace and threaten you.”
“I guess, I didn’t want to… You know… Because he came here,” I said hesitantly. I hadn’t wanted to bring Vossen business to the police.
“I reported that to the police,” Callista replied. “Omitting certain details, of course. And I will add this to the report. He cannot go around threatening us,” she added.
“I thought we’d do something ourselves,” I raised my eyebrows suggestively.
“A spell?” Callista rose from her seat. “Magic can do many things, Nyx, but sometimes the most effective solution is the one that exists for everyone. In this case, if a man threatens you at work, you report it to your manager. If a man threatens us in our home, we report it to the police. And then, yes,” she held out her hand to Fennel, who placed a pouch into it. “We strengthen the wards around our home, and on ourselves. It is timely, perhaps that Fennel finished this last night,” she opened the pouch and took out the memento mori necklace.
“Turn around,” Fennel encouraged, watching eagerly as I presented Callista with my back and pulled my hair over my shoulder to make it easier for her to close the chain. “What is this?” Fennel’s tone changed as she caught my wrist. Pulling my hair aside had exposed Ender’s gift around my wrist. “And this!” She discovered the ring as she pulled my hand down.
“Interesting,” Callista said as she stepped around me and took my hand in order to join Fennel’s scrutiny. “Powerful charms. From this… Mal?” She asked me, meeting my eyes without releasing my hand.
“Ah… no,” I felt my cheeks heat. “Someone else.”
“Curiouser and curiouser,” Callista exchanged a look with Fennel. “A blonde man at the Academy,” she said to her sister.