Page 57 of SIN Bone Deep
He paid whilst I was changed into one of the daytime outfits that he had selected, and when I walked out, he was waiting for me by the door. “Everything will be delivered,” he told me as we stepped out onto the sidewalk.
“We were the only people there,” I was stunned by the emptiness of the shop and how, now that we had left, the staff had returned to their original positions as if they spent their day as statues, waiting to have life breathed back into them with the next customer’s arrival.
“Darling, most people can’t afford to shop there. And with the amount we just spent, they only need one customer.”
“You spent,” I corrected, embarrassed by his largess. “Mal… Thank you, but… You don’t need to.”
“Of course, I don’t need to,” he didn’t lead the way to the car, but further down the street. “I want to. You are my witch, my succubus, and most of all, mine. And now you will look the part. Besides,” his smirk was wicked, and he didn’t lower his voice as he continued so that I saw a dignified middle-aged woman send us a scandalized look over her shoulder. “I am only buying what I intend to take off you later.”
He paused, looking in the window of a jewellery shop. “Here is what will happen,” he told me without taking his eyes off a necklace that glittered with diamonds. “I am going buy you this necklace,” he decided. “And you are going to seduce the jeweller into giving you the matching earrings for free. It should be a simple task.”
“How?” I stared at him wide-eyed. The necklace did not have a price tag, which meant that it was phenomenally expensive, but the earrings around it did, and each set was several thousands of dollars.
“You will think of how much you want to drink his blood as you smile and meet his eyes, and he will turn to butter fantasizing that he might have a chance to fuck you, and then you will try on the necklace, and say something about your earrings not matching, and he will produce the earrings that do match and insist that you have them.”
“Mal…” I was dubious. “The earrings are very expensive. No one in their right mind would give them away for free.”
He straightened and looked me in the eye with a wide grin. “My darling succubus. He won’t be in his right mind when you’ve weaved your magic. Come on,” he took my hand and headed towards the door.
As with the other store, there was a doorman who opened the door at our approach. The store within was hushed as if it were holding its breath, surprised and hopeful because of our presence. The store was empty other than the doorman and the glossy glass cabinets containing treasures, but there was a mirrored wall, with a door within it, and I could feel eyes watching, evaluating.
Mal browsed slowly leading me around the room, missing no cabinet.
The mirrored door opened, and a man stepped out. He was immaculately dressed at the height of fashion, and was movie-star handsome, with his hair slicked back and his jaw clean-shaven. I had no idea how Mal thought that I could seduce such a man into giving me thousands of dollars worth of jewellery. He was the sort of man who did not spare a glance for gauche eighteen-year-olds from small seaside towns.
“Ah,” Mal looked up from a cabinet. “Hello.”
“Welcome,” the man smiled. “I am Eric. How can I help you today, sir?”
“Mal and Nyx,” Mal replied. “I have promised Nyx diamonds. A piece in the window caught my eye, but I like this too,” he pointed to a tennis bracelet. “Let’s see it on her.”
“Excellent choice,” Eric had a key attached to a chain in his pocket and withdrew it to unlock the cabinet, withdrawing the bracelet and setting it upon the glass. “This is a beautiful piece. The diamonds are rare Argyle in pink and blue, set in eighteen carats white and rose gold, each diamond has been selected for its superior clarity…” He took the bracelet off its display, and Mal raised my hand so that Eric could drape it over my wrist.
“Beautiful,” Mal nodded his approval. “We’ll take it.”
“Sir?” Eric was surprised. “We have not discussed the price.”
Mal shrugged a shoulder. “We’ll take it.” He walked away to the window displays. “Let’s try this one on.”
“Certainly,” Eric’s eyes had sharpened sensing a big sale, and he crossed to unlock and retrieve the tray holding the necklace and earrings, bringing it back over to where I was fidgeting with the unfamiliar weight of the bracelet on my wrist wondering about what the cost was of that many diamonds.
“If I may?” Eric lifted the necklace from the bust and, flustered, I swept my hair to the side as he approached. The necklace was cold against my skin, and I could feel his breath stir my hair as he did up the catch.
My heart pounded heavily against my ribs. Think of blood, Mal had said. I didn’t need to force it. I could smell Eric’s cologne and my mouth watered wondering what he would taste like on my tongue. I had a very vivid image of us in the back office, my skirt pulled up and him between my thighs, my hands clenched in the fabric of his waistcoat.
I knew without a doubt that this was Eric’s fantasy, as I had not even caught a glimpse of the inside of the office in order to picture it so clearly.
“Stunning,” Eric barely murmured the word as he adjusted the necklace, his fingers stroking my skin at the same time in a caress that was quite deliberate.
“She is, isn’t she?” Mal purred in agreement.
Eric’s fantasy extended, and Mal was with us in the office, with me sandwiched between them.
I pressed my thighs together around the ache that throbbed through me. This was not me, I told myself. This was not me - it was what Mal had done to me. It was the succubus within me reacting to Eric’s fantasies.
“Earrings,” Eric’s finger traced the curve of my ear lobe. “Would set off the necklace perfectly. These ones,” he selected from the tray and had removed my earrings and replaced them with the diamond ones before I could react.
In his fantasy, I wore nothing but the jewellery.