Page 60 of SIN Bone Deep

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Page 60 of SIN Bone Deep

“Well, well, we are getting confident, aren’t we,” he smirked, but he got down onto his knees, and stroked his hands up my legs from ankle to knee, lifting them over his shoulders. He held my eyes as he moved his mouth closer to the apex of my thighs, looking away only when he had no other choice. I felt the warmth of his breath against me a moment before the wet of his mouth as he sucked me through the lace of my panties, saturating them and pressing the material tight to my clit.

I watched down the centreline of my body as he licked and nibbled at my cunt, his eyes flicking up to meet mine and his smug grin lifting his cheeks into dimples. He took his time, teasing me with skill and thoroughness, tongue, teeth, and lips used without reserve.

I came and he sucked me throughout, mercilessly, before rising slowly, his hair slipping through my fingers. I watched as he gripped me behind one knee, pressing it up to my chest, drawing the leg of my panties down until they slipped over my stiletto heel.

“That’s better,” he caught my other knee, and brought my ankles up, over his shoulders. “Now…” He dragged my hips towards him. “Perfect.” He adjusted his cock, finding purchase, and thrusted.

“Fuck,” I cried out for the position drove him deep, and he laughed, delighted with the response, before leaning forward, my ankles slipping behind his neck. His thrusts smacked our skin together in a fleshy, passionate percussion as he drove himself into me again and again.

“You have hands Nyx,” he ground out through his teeth without breaking the punishing rhythm. “Use them. Suck on your nasty little fingers and used them on your clit, or dip them into your cunt, and…” He trailed off with his instructions, losing himself in his own pleasure.

I reached between us and gathered the slick from his cock as it slipped from my cunt in the draw-back of his thrust and used it to lubricate my touch. I massaged my clit, pushing myself into another orgasm just behind his as he arched his hips into me through his final thrusts and, when he lowered forward, my ankles slipping down his body until my heels rested against the flesh of his arse, I turned my face into his vulnerable neck and sank my teeth into him.


I’d caught him by surprise but had wound my arms around him and crossed my ankles behind his hips, holding his cock deep within me, and his chest pressed tight to mine, so his first instinctual response to pull back was thwarted, jerking our joined body rather than separating it.

He relaxed immediately. “Sorry. Instinct.”

I could not reply with his blood on my tongue. It melted down my throat, spreading through my stomach, quenching the burn.

After I released him, he continued to lay over me. I could feel his cock softening, a slow withdrawal. It would not take much for it to slip free releasing a flood of cum with it, and every breath we took seemed to bring that moment closer, the sensation, and my focus upon it, as erotic as our fucking, so that I began to wish for him to harden again.

“What you said before,” I began to subtly rock my hips, trying to tease him back into sex. “About the jeweller and… everything else. You wouldn’t be jealous?”

“Jealous?” He lifted onto his elbow and looked down at me, his expression vaguely puzzled.

“You said… Before, in the house, about Ender’s ring, that you were the jealous and possessive type,” I reminded him. “And yet, you would have been okay, if I’d had sex with that man…”

“That’s different,” he dismissed it and rolled from me, walking with the sleek grace of a predator across to the bar fridge. “Sex is different, Nyx. You are a succubus. I will always come when you summon me, and I’m more than happy,” he pulled out a bottle of champagne. “To satisfy your hunger. But it would be unreasonable to expect you to only eat one thing for the rest of eternity. We all like a bit of variety in our diets.”

I sat up, intrigued, and wrapped my arm around my knee. “How is it different? How is Ender different?”

“You know it’s different,” he rolled his eyes and popped the cork. “He’s got a little bit of your heart, Nyx. The jeweller? No. He’s just a cock on legs, a bag of blood, and he’ll never be anything more to you. Here is how it will be,” he poured the champagne and carried the glasses back to the bed hooked between his fingers. “You can fuck whoever you want to fuck, especially if we’re fucking them together,” he said with a crooked grin. “But don’t love them,” his smirk fell and his eyes hardened. “You are mine. The parts that count are mine, Nyx.”

My mouth was dry, and my heart raced. There was danger to him in that moment, a threat barely contained. The mask had fallen, and the demon behind the beautiful face had been revealed. “This is not… a normal familiar arrangement, Mal,” I pointed out, trying to keep my wits about me. I knew from studying the family Grimoires that when dealing with demons, you had to keep control of the situation. If you ceded a point, they would hold you to it as if it were a signed contract. “We did not set out the details of our arrangement.”

“But we did,” he was charming again, that momentary danger whisked away behind a bright smile. “Immortality - tick. Power over men?” He snorted his chuckle. “There are few with greater power over men in this world than you, my darling Nyx. Success in all your endeavours? We’ll get to that. Wealth beyond your wildest dreams? We started that today, aren’t you glittering in gold and diamonds and designer wear? My eternal devotion and adoration?” He caught up my free hand and pressed it to his lips, and then his heart. “Done.” His eyes were intense on my own.

“That’s…” I stuttered, stunned. I vaguely remembered the conversation in the car whilst I was drunk when he had first suggested that I invoke him. “That was just… talking. You suggested those things. It wasn’t… We didn’t negotiate them.”

He smiled as he sat on the bed facing me, the position intimate and comfortably familiar. “What else would you want, Nyx?” He asked me. “What else could you ask for, that I have not given you?”

“Well… I…” I did not have the words for what I wanted to say. I did not know how to say them without insulting him. “I mean… I didn’t think that this was a marriage, Mal. That’s what you’re describing to me. Together forever, and my heart belonging to you… The Grimoires didn’t say anything about that under invocating a familiar…”

He laughed a warm and yet superior sound. “So innocent,” he scolded me playfully. “I - ” He broke off, his attention turning inwards, and his eyes flashed into lava, the whites, irises, and pupils all washed away under the molten glow. I could smell sulphur and smoke as clearly as if I burned in Hell.

“Fuck,” Mal swore, and then his eyes returned to normal, and he smiled ruefully. “I am so sorry, my darling. I have to go.” He planted a kiss between my eyes, and eased off the bed, setting the champagne on the bedside table. “Don’t get up.” He began to dress. “Enjoy the room. Drink the champagne. Take a bath. Watch a movie. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Where are you going?” I asked him. I knew what had happened. He had been summoned to Hell by someone he could not refuse – a superior. Perhaps even the Devil himself. But I wanted him to say it.

“Business meeting,” his lips quirked. “Won’t take long.” And then there was a flash of flame, and he was gone.


These Eight words the Rede fulfill: An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will

– The Wiccan Rede

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