Page 67 of SIN Bone Deep
And then he was gone.
Within moments, in a flash of fire and light, Mal was back. He was furious, but the fury vanished when he saw the empty bed, and that I stood by the window. He came to stand behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. “You should be asleep.”
“I could not sleep. He didn’t do it, Mal. He wasn’t the one that ran me over,” I turned to face him. “That means whoever did it is still out there. I don’t know why, and I don’t know who they are.”
“Okay,” he said softly, cupping my face in the warm palm of his hand. “We will find him, Nyx, and we will have our revenge. But for now. Sleep. You need your rest. Only two more days before the official start of the school term, after all.”
He was right, I realized. On Monday I would officially start at Pinegrove Academy.
I let Mal guide me to the bed and did not protest when he slid in with me, wrapping himself around me. His presence was comforting. We lay in silence until I was on the edge of sleep. “I am going find the man,” I whispered. “And then I am going to kill him.”
Mal pressed his lips to the back of my head. “And I am going to help you do so, my little, wicked succubus.”
Lucifer is waiting for me when I return to my throne room.
“This is not like you, brother. You have never asked me for a favor before.”
“I do not recall asking you for a favor.”
“You have something of mine and are expecting me not to ask for its return, I call that a favor.”
“Until I give it to you, it is mine.”
“What do you intend to do with a soul that belongs in hell?”
I smile a little.
“Ah,” Lucifer considers me through narrowed eyes. “Be careful brother. This woman…this witch. She must be something. She has turned the head of one of my best demons and has you bending rules so hard you risk breaking them.”
“Stay away from Elenyx,” I warn him sternly.
“She is mine.”
“Malachar would disagree. And what is his, is by extension…” Lucifer does not finish his sentence, laughing instead as he opens a portal of flam into his realm. His laughter lingers as the smell of sulphur fades.
I rest my hands over the smooth skulls that end the armrests of my throne.
Elenyx has come to Lucifer’s attention.
Only trouble will result.