Page 17 of Made for You
Not exactly the kind of interaction that’s going to earn me the single rose Josh will be handing out to one of us in just under an hour.
So I’m betting it all. Now.
“Sure,” he says, grabbing a towel from a lounge chair and rubbing it through his hair, which spikes up adorably. He looks incredible, the relief of his muscles exaggerated by the wet glisten of his skin. “How about over there?” He gestures to a low couch off to the side, angled away from the pool and facing the view of the city and the night sky.
We settle in. The couch cushion is damp and cool under my thighs.
“So. Julia.” His grin is engaging. Just like it’s been all day, with all seven of the other women. “How was your day?”
“It was a lot of fun,” I say, opting for a light start. “I mean, of course I would have loved more time with just you—but the girls are cool to hang out with, too. I enjoyed myself.”
“I like that you’re friendly with the girls. I think that says a lot about your character.”
“Aw.” I tilt my head and pull the snake of wet hair over my shoulder. “That’s so sweet. I appreciate that.”
What I won’t tell Josh is that every time I feel myself fully relaxing around the girls, Camila’s words snap in my head. We know how to fuck a bitch up. Speaking of the girls—
“Hi! Can I interrupt?” It’s Zoe, tiptoeing over in her neon-yellow string bikini, putting on a bashful act.
No, Zoe! You got your turn at the winery!
“Actually, we just sat down,” I say, plastering on a sweet smile. “Could we have just a few minutes?”
“Oh...sure, okay,” says Zoe. “I’ll check back soon!”
I return my focus to Josh and take a deep breath.
“So I have something to tell you that...I’ve been putting off. I guess because it feels like it might be a deal-breaker.” From pattering, my heart progresses to thundering.
“Hey,” says Josh, reaching over and taking my hand. The pressure is reassuring. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Deep breath.
“I’m...a Synth.”
The world goes still, like the aftermath of a bomb detonating. Then, Josh releases my hand, braces his hands behind his head, and leans back. Away from me.
“Okay. Wow. Not what I was expecting.”
There are a million things I want to say. But I chew my lip hard and wait for him to process.
He unlocks his hands, leans forward. “So you’re like...what are their names? Christi and Chrystel? From that show?”
“Basically, yes.” I kind of want to add that I’m more advanced, because I’m the first Synth who can have babies. But even though it’s something important about me, wouldn’t sharing that right now make him think of me even more in terms of a science innovation when I want him to see woman? I’m pretty sure you can’t fall in love with a science innovation.
Josh rubs his face. “Holy shit, Julia.”
“I know,” I say softly. My heart is cringing in my chest, but I have to appear calm.
“This is—” He shakes his head.
The screams from the pool surge and I make out Zoe’s cry of my bikini top! Josh looks off into the distance, and I’d give anything to see what’s happening inside his mind.
When the waiting becomes unbearable, I lay a tentative hand on his leg. “Hey. I know this is a lot. But it’s still just me.”
“Do the girls know?”
“Not yet. I wanted to tell you first.”