Page 46 of Made for You
“So, dish,” says Chrystel, folding her hands in her lap and wiggling in her seat. “Are you in love? Do you think Josh is in love?”
“I’m not ready to tell him I love him yet, but... I think I’m close,” I say. “And Josh... I don’t know. Like, I feel so close with him, but I also know he’s close with some of the other girls. I’m trying to stay hopeful and realistic, you know?”
God. I’m trying not to imagine this being on TV a few months down the road, spliced with some future footage, like a heartbreaking scene of me leaving The Proposal in tears. It’s a wallop of a reminder that this process is actually very short, and the end just around the corner.
“You have zero sense of how this is going to turn out?” Christi asks.
I press my lips together. Truthfully? It does feel like Josh is falling for me. But sometimes, the most confident girl has ended up going home. I’ve seen it happen to Emily, who thought her date was perfect in week three. To Bailey, who was sure it was in the bag week four. This show is a lesson in things not being what they seem.
I take a deep breath and smile. “No idea.”
“So, not to get all serious and glum, but I think it’s important—” starts Chrystel, nudging her sister.
“—to say, as Synths, that we are so sorry about what happened to you,” finishes Christi.
For a second I don’t know what they’re talking about. Then it hits me. “Oh...the attack?”
Christi nods. I wonder who leaked that to the twins. Anyway, it feels like a million years ago. But I suppose it was just a couple weeks.
“As you know, I was sexually assaulted last year,” says Chrystel, putting a hand to her chest. “I’m just so grateful that I’ve had so much support.” She touches her sister’s arm. “I know my story isn’t just about me. So many women have come forward and shared. It’s about all of us.”
Christi raises an eyebrow. “Let’s say it like it is, though. Not everyone has been supportive. BotTech, hello?”
“God, I hope your experience with WekTech is better,” says Chrystel. “Actually, do you think Andy could adopt us? We need a new daddy!”
“They’ve practically disowned us,” says Christi. “And did you know they’re actually suing me for trying to get a divorce? Like, am I a person to them or not? Make up your mind! Their lawyers are, like, on crack.”
I feel bad for the twins, but while part of me is wondering what it must feel like to despise the people that made me, all this talk of family and adoption and disowning is also stirring up a recent anxiety: Hometown Dates.
The other girls in the house have started dreaming about the chance to introduce Josh to their families, a privilege of the final four. But, assuming I make it that far, who do I have to bring Josh home to? WekTech?
I get the feeling that Josh thinks of me as a woman, and rarely as a Synth, which I appreciate. But it also makes me nervous. What happens when there are no parents to meet? No childhood home, no friends? Is he ready, has he thought this through, or will it be a rude awakening?
The sisters are still going off on BotTech. It’s biting and cute and makes me realize even more how lucky I am to have Andy, who seems to truly love and respect me.
When it’s time for the twins to go, they call for tequila shots, which we down together. Boom mics are lowered and we share one final hug.
Christi whispers in my ear, “We try to play it positive, because that’s, like, our brand, but there are a lot of dicks out there, okay? Be careful.” Chrystel adds, “If things get tough, call us. We Synths have to stick together.” Christi whispers, “We can’t kill anyone for you, but we’re rich, so—” and Chrystel adds, “—we have enough money to hire that shit out,” which makes us giggle together in our little huddle.
Of all the things they’ve said tonight, this means the most, because it wasn’t meant for the cameras, or their brand building, or their strategies, of which I sense there are many. These words were meant just for me, and I know that if I ever need to take them up on this offer, I can.
CORY: Good evening, esteemed viewers! Please give a warm TONIGHT-style welcome to the genius behind WekTech and the designer of Julia, America’s newest Synth...Andy Wekstein!
[Upbeat techno music]
C: Please, sit! Sit!
ANDY WEKSTEIN: Thank you, thanks for having me, Cory. [Audience applause]
C: So let’s start things off with a bang. Julia. Beautiful. Smart. Competing for the heart of one lucky bachelor. Tell us, Andy. What inspired you to design Julia specifically for the show?
A: So one night, I’m scrolling on my phone and there’s this clickbait to apply to be on the show. Project JULIA was already underway, but it was like, hey, what if we pivot? You know, instead of designing her for something obviously commercial, design her for love? The rest is history.
C: That’s beautiful. What kind of research was involved in customizing her personality to fit Josh?
A: We have brilliant psychologists on our team. They did the heavy lifting.