Page 83 of Luna
“It is, if the princess was a rough and tumble girl who was half wild and spent years being trained by my grandmother to behave like a lady.”
Luna’s eyes widened. “You mean your mother wasn’t always so … refined?”
Hunter snorted. “Hardly. She still forgets half the lessons Grandmama has pounded into her head when she gets nervous. If there are more than three forks in the place settings at the table, she pretends she isn’t feeling well and has a tray sent up to her room.”
Luna studied him, appearing dubious. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
Hunter shook his head. “That is the honest truth, and you can ask Mama. She’ll tell you. I think it’s time to end this nonsense about you not being good enough for my family. I don’t care about comparing Thoroughbreds to mules, Luna, which you most certainly are nothing like old Steve.” Hunter sighed, searching for the right thing to say to explain his feelings. “For the most part, all the rules regarding class and status are nothing but a pretentious bunch of bother, which is one of the reasons I like it in Pendleton. Things aren’t quite so formal and fussy there. I know my family can be a lot to get used to, but we all care about you. Dally says you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I agree. So, before you skedaddle back to New York, I need to tell you something.”
He paused, trying to recall the words he’d rehearsed all the way to Baker City, but none of them came to mind.
“What is it, Hunter?” Luna asked with concern. She walked over to the bars and placed her hand over his. “What do you want to tell me?”
He decided the best thing to do would be to speak straight from his heart. “The first day we met, Luna, I felt surrounded by the joy you give others. Your smile just lit up my whole day. As I got to know you better, I realized when we were together, I felt surrounded not just by your joy, but by your love. If you haven’t figured it out yet, Luna Moona, I love you. I love you so much my heart aches when we’re apart and sings when we’re together. I have no idea what the future may bring, but I can promise I won’t take a single moment with you for granted. Each day with you will be a gift I treasure. Would you please, please come back home, Luna? Will you come back to Pendleton, allow me to marry you, and give me the opportunity to surround you every day with my love?”
When Luna remained quiet, unable to speak through the tears streaming down her cheeks, Tully hollered from his office.
“He sounds sincere to me, Miss Campanelli. If you love him, tell that poor boy you’ll put him out of his misery.”
Luna laughed on a sob, and Hunter smiled. She nodded as he wiped away her tears. “Yes. Yes! I’ll marry you, Hunter Douglas. I love you so much.”
“I know you do, sweetheart. You loved me enough to walk away when you stupidly thought there was someone better for me in my future. Let me make it clear, though, the only one I want, the only one I’ll ever love, is you.”
“I love you, Hunter. For always.”
The jangle of keys drew their gazes to the door. Tully walked over and unlocked Luna’s cell, then returned to his office.
Hunter gathered Luna in his arms and kissed her soundly, hugged her tightly, then led her into Tully’s office. The sheriff’s daughter had left, but Tully sat at his desk, smiling at them.
Hunter reached out to shake his hand. “Thank you so much for your assistance, sir. We’d be honored if you would come to our wedding.”
“Let me know when and where, and we’ll be there.” Tully slapped Hunter on the shoulder, then kissed Luna’s cheek. “Just be happy together.”
“We will be, sir. Thanks again.” Hunter shook the sheriff’s hand a second time, then glanced at the clock on the wall. “Come on, Luna Moona. If we hurry, we can catch the train back home.”
“Home,” Luna repeated as they raced out the door and back to the depot, stepping into the adventure of a future together.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Are you ready to go?” Hunter asked, whispering into his wife’s ear.
Luna turned and smiled at him. The love glowing in her deep brown eyes made his heart thump in response. They’d been married all of three hours, and he had reached his fill of celebrating. He was ready to take his wife home.
When he’d offered to take Luna anywhere in the world she wanted to go for a honeymoon, she said the only place she wanted to be was at home with him. He was more than happy to comply with her request.
Walker’s crew, along with all the family and friends who could spare the time to help, had worked like mad to finish the house both inside and out before Hunter and Luna’s October wedding.
After they’d returned from Baker City, they’d known they wanted to wed soon. Hunter had sent a telegram that day to Luna’s parents, asking for their blessing to marry her. After they sent a telegram to Tony and he offered a reply confirming Hunter was of fine character and could provide for Luna, Brando sent a telegram to Hunter saying permission was granted, as long as they could attend the wedding.
Hunter arranged for the family to travel in a private Pullman car, and they’d arrived in Pendleton somewhat awed but eager to meet Hunter and his family.
The past three days had been a flurry of family dinners, last-minute touches to the house, and dress fittings for Luna with Ilsa and Marnie, with hardly a moment for Hunter to be with his bride.
He glanced around Caterina’s restaurant, where the reception had been held after their wedding at the church, with Pastor Whitting officiating. Aundy had provided a plethora of beautiful flowers, and Caterina had prepared the food with the help of her staff and Luna’s mother.
Hunter was quite taken with Luna’s young siblings. Cara looked so much like Luna, they could have been blood sisters. Remi was just as sweet as Luna had described him. The two older boys had been thrilled to spend time at the B Bar D Ranch, riding horses and watching the cowboys work with the cattle.