Page 11 of Lost in Yonkers
“Fine,” she mumbled. “Hello,” Wren answered her cell.
“Wren,” Blade said, “I’ve been trying to call you for days now. Are you all right?” he asked.
“Yep, I’m just peachy,” she lied.
“She’s in the ER,” Yonkers shouted at her phone. “She’s not peachy at all.”
“Put me on speaker, Wren,” Blade shouted into the other end of the call. She sighed and did as he asked, knowing that between the two of them, she was fighting an uphill battle.
“There,” she spat, “you are on speaker.”
“What the hell is going on?” Blade asked. “You’re in the hospital?”
“Yes, the ER,” she admitted, shooting Yonkers a dirty look. He shrugged and took the phone from her.
“She’s having pains and we’re getting her, and the baby checked out,” Yonkers said.
“Baby,” Blade asked, “what baby?”
“Oh God,” Wren grumbled, “Trixie didn’t tell you?”
“Trixie didn’t tell me what?” Blade asked.
“She was supposed to tell you that I’m pregnant,” Wren said.
“And the baby is mine,” Yonkers interrupted.
“Oh, that,” Blade said, “yeah, she told me. I was just waiting for you to tell me since it was your news to tell. I’m hurt, Sis. You should have told me about the baby. I could have helped you better. I thought you had a stomach virus.”
“I did too, at first,” Wren admitted, “but, then I realized that I was late and bought a test.”
“And that’s when you started asking me where Yonkers disappeared to,” Blade filled in the blanks.
“Yep,” Wren admitted.
“Did you know about the baby before you left Huntsville, Yonkers?” Blade asked. Wren knew that her brother was insinuating that Yonkers left because of the baby and that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
“No,” Yonkers said, “I left because I wanted Wren and not being able to be with her was killing me. Then, my mother got sick, and I used her illness as an excuse to come up here to get away from Huntsville.”
“And me,” Wren whispered, not hiding her hurt.
A man poked his head into the small room and smiled at Wren. “I’m Dr. Diamond,” he said. “I’m here to figure out what’s going on with you and your little one. Are you still having pains?” he asked.
Wren wiggled around on the gurney and shook her head. “Um, no,” she breathed, “they seem to have stopped.”
“Well, that’s good news,” the doctor said, “but, I’d still like to take a look at you and the baby while you are here.”
“All right,” she said. “We’ll have to call you back, Blade.”
“Not a chance,” her brother shouted through the other end of the phone. “Keep me on speaker. I want to know if the baby is okay. He or she is my nephew or niece.”
“Niece,” Wren corrected, “it’s a girl.”
“Okay, well, we can make this a family affair, if you are okay with that,” the doctor said to Wren. “I assume you are the father,” he said to Yonkers.
“I am, can you please just tell me that they are both okay?” he asked the doctor.
“I will do my best,” the doctor promised. He hooked a band around Wren’s belly and a fast, loud noise filled the room.