Page 16 of Lost in Yonkers
“Yep, and to tell you that I love you. I want you and I want our daughter. I need you both to be a part of my life. I tried pushing you away and I’ve been miserable for the past three weeks.” He suddenly realized that he didn’t have a ring to give to her and he inwardly cursed himself. “Shit, I don’t have a ring,” he said.
“I don’t need a ring, Chris,” she insisted. “You probably wouldn’t be able to get the ring onto my fat figures and honestly, I’ve been miserable too, but I’m pretty sure that it’s due to being a week past my due date.” She rubbed her belly and sighed. He worried that she was avoiding giving him an answer to his marriage proposal until she flashed him her sexy smile and nodded her head at him.
“I’ll marry you, Chris,” she whispered. “And for the record, I love you too. I have since our first night together on Christmas. But I can’t travel right now,” she said. “Doctor’s orders. Will you stay here with me until the baby comes? I’d like you to be with me for the birth, as we planned.” They had gone to all her Lamaze classes back in New York and the plan was for him to be with her during the birth process until he went and fucked things up.
“Do you still want me there?” he asked.
She took his hand into her own and tugged him closer. “More than anything.”
“I’d love to be with you, honey. I honestly don’t want to be anywhere else. I’m just worried about my mom,” he admitted.
“Of course you are,” she said. “I understand. If I could travel, I would have the baby in New York. I liked the doctor that you found for me up there, even if I gave you a hard time about having to see a doctor up there.”
“Let me see if I can get one of my MC brothers to keep an eye on my mom while we wait for this little girl to make her appearance. After you’ve taken some time to rest, we can take her up north to meet her grandmother. I’m sure that my mother will keep on fighting if she knows she has something to fight for.”
“Meeting her granddaughter is something worth fighting for,” Wren filled in.
“Right, and once I spill the beans that you’ve agreed to marry me, she’ll be thrilled,” Yonkers added.
“I guess you should also tell her that we’re going to be moving to New York for a while. I mean, you did buy that beautiful house just down the road from her, and the nursery is ready and everything,” Wren said.
“Really?” Yonkers asked. “You’d do that for me?”
“I’d do just about anything for you, Chris. I love you and that’s what people in love do. I know that this whole love thing scares the hell out of you, but I can help you navigate everything,” she promised.
“Well, with you by my side, how can I go wrong?” he teased.
“You can’t,” she insisted. “Now help me back into the house. I have to pee, and I need to lie down. My feet are killing me.”
“Bossy as ever,” Yonkers teased.
“You have no idea,” she mumbled on her way into the house. Yonkers wasn’t sure how he was going to prove to Wren that he was ready for everything that he had just promised her, but he wanted to try more than he wanted his next breath. He wasn’t going to fuck things up this time—and that was a promise that he’d be keeping.
Wren woke up to her side of the bed being soaked. “Shit, I think that my water broke,” she said. Yonkers sat up next to her and yawned as if he hadn’t heard what she just said. “My water broke, Chris,” she said.
“Are you sure?” It had been two days since he had found her and he refused to leave her side for a second, worried that the baby was going to come.
“I’m sure,” she said. “She’s nine days late, so I’d say that it’s about time for my water to break.” Wren felt like she had been pregnant forever and she was more than ready to get this baby out of her.
“Do you have a bag packed?” he asked.
“It’s by the front door,” she said. “And the baby’s bag is next to it. I’m ready.” She rolled to the side of the bed and struggled to get up.
“I’m coming around to get you,” Yonkers insisted. He quickly walked around the bed and hoisted her up to a standing position.
“I need to change out of these wet clothes,” she said. “I’ll be quick, but I want to shower too.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” he asked.
“The contractions aren’t that bad yet, and they are far apart. I’m probably in early labor and should be fine. I’ll hurry as best as I can,” she said.
“Okay, what can I do for you?” he asked.
“You can grab me some clean clothes and get dressed. Oh—call my doctor to let her know that I’m heading to the hospital in about thirty minutes,” she ordered.
“Got it,” he said. Poor guy didn’t look like he was understanding anything she was telling him. In fact, he looked more like a deer caught in the headlights and if she wasn’t currently having a contraction, she would have found his expression pretty funny.