Page 21 of Lost in Yonkers
“Let’s get you and Kris settled for a nap and then, I’ll get everything squared away. You just rest,” he said.
“Now, that, I can do,” Wren teased.
“Why do I need to get so dressed up for a housewarming party?” she asked. “I’d be more comfortable in my sweats and I’m sure that your friends from your new club wouldn’t care what I wear.” It was getting harder and harder to keep the secret of their surprise wedding from his soon-to-be bride.
“Can you just do this for me?” Yonkers asked, holding out the new dress that Trixie had secretly bought for her.
“Fine,” she said, like a petulant child, snatching the dress from his hand. “I’ll wear the dress, but I’m not going to be happy about it. Plus, as soon as the party is over, I’m back in my sweats.” That was all she had worn in weeks. Since Kris was born, Wren said that she needed comfort and insisted that nothing fit her right now. She complained that her body was different and that she’d never lose the baby weight, but he didn’t care about any of that. In fact, he thought that she looked damn near perfect since giving birth to their daughter.
“Thank you,” he said. “I’m going to get dressed too. I’ll meet you downstairs when you are ready,” he said. “Take your time.”
“You mean, do a good job in cleaning myself up,” she spat. “Don’t worry, Chris, I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends.”
“It’s not like that, honey,” he insisted, walking down the hallway to the spare room.
“If it’s not like that, then why are you getting dressed in our spare room?” she asked.
“Because I want to give you some space and some privacy,” he said. That was a complete lie. The reason he was going to the spare room was because Trixie was waiting for her in their master bedroom, and he didn’t want to ruin their surprise reunion. Trixie was going to be the one to tell her about the wedding that was going to happen in the back yard, and he was going to meet with Blade, have a few beers, and then get dressed in the suit that Blade brought for him to wear on his special day.
“Fine,” she shouted back over her shoulder. Hopefully seeing Trixie would take away any of her sour mood, and by the time she walked down the aisle, she would be much happier.
He walked into the spare room to find Blade sitting on the edge of the bed, two bottles of beer in his hands. “You look like you could use this. My sister sounded a little bit grumpy,” Blade said.
“You think?” Yonkers said, taking the beer from him. “She’s not happy about this party at all.”
“Just wait until she finds out that it’s a surprise wedding,” Blade offered. “She’ll snap out of her grumpy mood, I’m sure.”
“I hope so, or I’m going to have one angry bride waiting for me at the end of the aisle,” Yonkers grumbled. By the time they left the spare room, dressed and ready to get married, Yonkers could hear Wren and Trixie giggling like schoolgirls and he couldn’t help his smile. Blade was right—finding out about the surprise wedding certainly had changed her mood.
Watching her walk down the little aisle to meet him, accompanied by her brother, who was doing double duty as his Best Man, had him feeling very emotional. Yonkers choked back tears as they said their vows and he got to kiss his new bride, all while a few friends and family—including his mom who was holding his daughter, in the front row. Everything was perfect and he couldn’t believe that he had actually pulled off the surprise.
“Are you happy?” he asked Wren during their first dance as husband and wife. The guys from the Royal Bastards had transformed their little backyard into the perfect fairytale wedding for him and Wren, under the direction of his mother.
“I’m very happy,” she breathed. “I can’t believe that you pulled this off without telling me. You even got Blade and Trixie to come up to New York.”
“Your brother would have murdered me if I didn’t invite him to give you away and be my Best Man. And naturally, Trixie had to be your Matron of Honor. I just wanted to show you how much I love you, Wren. You and Kris are my whole world.” He had never thought that he’d find someone like Wren. She made him feel complete, and now, they were a family.
“I love you too, Chris,” she whispered. “I love our little family and can’t wait to have a bunch more kids with you.”
“A bunch?” he questioned. “Let’s see how we do with the one that we have, and then we can talk about adding to our collection,” he teased.
“Deal, but I don’t want to wait too long. I don’t want Kris to miss out on being a big sister.” He had grown up an only child, and he had to admit, it was lonely. His daughter needed siblings, which was one thing he was certain of.
“I agree,” he said, “I want her to have siblings. I just want to have you all to myself for a bit,” he said.
Wren wrapped her arms around him as they swayed to the music. “Agreed,” she said. “I’m so glad that I found you, Chris,” she breathed.
“I’m glad you came all the way up to New York to find me too, honey,” Yonkers whispered. He was too. Yonkers finally had everything that he had ever hoped for, wrapped up in one sexy little hellcat and their new daughter. For the first time in a long time, he was actually hopeful for the future and that had everything to do with Wren.
The End
I hope you loved Yonkers and Wren’s story! Now, buckle up and get ready for another Royal Bastard-this time from a new club in Yonkers, NY! Hurricane’s House (A Royal Bastards MC: Yonkers, NY Chapter Book 1) is coming soon from K.L. Ramsey!
Hurricane knew that someone was breaking into his clubhouse after hours, and sleeping in his office, he just needed to figure out who it was. Every morning he’d get to the club earlier and earlier to find the place empty, but the telltale signs were there. Today’s findings included a half-empty Cheetos bag and an empty bottle of soda. Plus, his sofa had a blanket draped across it, and he was sure that it didn’t belong to him. In fact, he had never seen the quilt covered in pink flowers in his life.
What the person breaking into his club didn’t know was that two days ago, he had Chains install some security cameras around the place and he was going to spend the morning going through the footage to try to catch whoever had been sleeping on his sofa.