Page 1 of The Fae Lord
His lips trail a hot, torturous line down my throat. He tugs at my dress, my nipples pebbling with the anticipations of his touch. But instead of caressing them, he lets his hands levitate over my body. I lean into him – desperate to feel him. But he does not give in.
Instead, he tightens the bonds around my wrists and shakes his head. “You will not come until I tell you to, Alana, do you understand?”
I fix my eyes on his, but do not reply. I want his wrath. I want him to punish me with his pleasure.
His gaze darkens, his eyes narrow. He smiles then and tweaks his thumb under my chin. My dress is open, my breasts exposed to the cool night-time air. He looks down and licks his lips. Then he thrusts his hand between my thighs and cups my pussy, hard. He does not move it, just applies pressure that sends waves of heat to my core, and continues to stare into my eyes.
“Tell me you understand?”
Finally, I nod. “I understand, my lord.”
I expect him to touch me, a reward for giving him the answer he wanted. Instead, he beats his wings and kneels down in front of me. He lifts my skirts and blows warm air onto my clit. I sigh and my eyes roll back as I sink into the anticipation of his tongue.
He does not give it to me.
He takes his index finger and runs it gently through my folds, gathering my wetness, then he looks up at me, reaches up, and makes me suck his finger into my mouth.
“How do you taste?” he asks.
“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” I swirl my tongue around the tip of my finger, teasing him, knowing this answer will drive him wild. Then I watch as he tilts his head, considers his next move, and finally gives me what I need... his tongue.
With expertly torturous slowness, he kisses the inside of my thighs. When he finally licks my clit, making perfect circles before tugging it gently with his teeth, a vicious moan escapes my lips and my body arches towards him.
Except, I can’t move because he has me tied too tightly. All I can do is writhe beneath his mouth as he explores all the ways he can make me feel.
When he stands and starts to take off his clothes, I am shaking. My breasts long for his touch, and I long to touch him.
He peels off his shirt, exposing his perfectly chiselled torso.
I want to lick his stomach all the way down until I reach his cock.
He unfastens his belt and drops his pants to the floor. He is not wearing any underwear.
I take in the sight of him because I have never seen him like this before; fully exposed in front of me. He is glorious. His silver hair hangs loose over his shoulders. Every inch of him makes me feel like he could both destroy me and claim me and worship me.
My eyes drop to his cock, admiring his length. Then my breath catches in my chest. He is pierced, and suddenly there is nothing I want more than to swirl my tongue over his metal and to feel it inside me.
How did I not notice before? In the tunnels? Was I so overcome with pleasure that I couldn’t even tell what was happening inside my own body? Was every sensation so overwhelming that it was impossible to know where they were coming from and what was causing them?
I strain against the ties that bind me to the wooden post.
Eldrion beats his wings and rises up into the air, drawing closer until his cock is level with my mouth. He treads the air just in front of my face, just out of reach. I stick out my tongue, desperate to reach him, but he simply smirks and refuses to move closer.
“Please...” I open my mouth again. This time, while he fists his dick, he lets me take his balls into my mouth. I groan as I suck and tease them.
He groans too.
Then he grabs my hair and jerks my head back. He stares at me for a moment, then strokes my cheek. Tender. Loving.
A look that makes me hate him even more. Because how can he look at me like that when he has evil in his veins?
The look lasts only a second before he bends down and kisses me. Hard. Searching. He grabs hold of my face, then finally he lowers himself to the floor and begins to kiss my breasts, my nipples.
I want to touch myself. I need to touch myself.