Page 44 of The Fae Lord

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Page 44 of The Fae Lord

I run my fingers across the title on the first page.

It is written in old elvish. All Shadowkind speak it, although we have been forbidden to do so out loud for as long as I remember.

Tha Risa and Falla of tha Shadowkind:

A Treatisa on tha Darkesta Chaptera of Our Historis

“The Rise and Fall of the Shadowkind: A Treaty on the Darkest Chapter of Our History,” I read the title aloud, noticing the way the words swell in the air and seem to settle like fireflies around me.

A cool, tingling sensation – static laced with anticipation – lands on my skin. This text is about us. Written by elves, but chronicling our history.

I have never seen anything like it. The furthest back my knowledge of our kind goes is to the visions I showed the camp.

I frown as I start to read. Eldrion cannot have read this text; he does not speak elvish. None of the Sunborne do – it is why we are forbidden from using it.

I lean over the page. The air seems cooler all of a sudden, and my body begins to shake. But it is not the cold making me shiver, it is the impact of the words.

In tha ancienth annalis of our kingdoma, tharis existis a raca of fae knona as tha Shadowkind. Borna with wingis as darka as nighth and heartis to matcha, thesa creataris wera onca tha scourga of our realma, their varis existenca a blighta upona tha landa.

Ith sar saida thath in tha earlis dayis, tha Shadowkind liveth amongsth tha othara fae, their trua nataris hidena beneatha a veneera of civilis. Sed as they reacha tha aga of fiftis, a stranga and terriblis transformathion woulda occura. Their wingis, onca smalla and unremarkablis, woulda growa and matura, becomina vasta and powerfula. And with this physicala changa cama a darknessa of tha soula, a corrupta thath twisteth their varis beina.

I keep reading until I have digested the entire text, and then I read it again, and again.

With each word, my body grows both heavier and lighter.

But it is the very last line of the book that makes me start to smile. Because finally I understand how it all fits.

Finally, I know what my role is. And I know exactly how the Shadowkind are going to claim Luminael as our own.



It is late. Finn disappeared earlier this morning, and Alana is now alone in her tent. When I appear at her side, it’s as if she was expecting me.

“Will your light wake the others?” she says, sitting up on her elbows.

I smile and shake my head. “They cannot see it unless I want them to. And, right now, I am only sharing it with you.”

Tucking the blanket up under her chin, she smiles at me. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”

I sit down, too, crossing my legs. “You’ve been thinking about what I said?” I tilt my head, waiting for her to answer me.

Alana frowns a little. “When you told me not to trust anyone?” Her tone is tight and a little annoyed.

“I didn’t say that,” I reply. I couldn’t say that even if I wanted to.

“Sorry, my mistake. You gave me a cryptic message about listening to what they say. But you didn’t tell me who they are or what I’m supposed to be listening for.”

I sigh a little. Like this, every emotion I have feels like the whisper of an emotion. A memory. Not really there. “If I could tell you more, Alana –”

“I have it under control,” she replies firmly. “And that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“It’s not?”

She shakes her head and tucks a strand of auburn hair behind her ear. “I wanted to talk to you about Rosalie.”

At the mention of Rosalie’s name, my breath catches in my chest. The feelings I have for her are stronger than whispers, but not strong enough to be spoken words.

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