Page 67 of The Fae Lord
I saw it in her from the very first moment we met – her strength, her power, how special she was.
She knew it too, deep down. But the fae she grew up with didn’t appreciate her. They spent their time making her feel less instead of more. Making her shy away from her powers instead of leaning into them.
I was determined to right their wrongs.
And when she succeeds in killing Eldrion, and takes her place as queen beside me, she will finally see what I see.
She’s starting to. It began in the tunnels when she freed us all and made Eldrion fuck her on the way out. But I want her to really see it. I want her to see what she could be if she was by my side in the citadel when the rest of Luminael crumbles and the power balance is restored to what it once was.
Around the campfire, Leafborne and Shadowkind are finally starting to mingle with one another. It has only taken five weeks, stuck here together in this small piece of the forest that we have claimed as our own.
Briony is sitting beside Raine, the pregnant Leafborne who I have asked to be kept out of harm’s way when the fighting starts; she is to be one of our healers. Not a warrior, even though this clearly displeased her.
Maura meets my gaze as I cross the clearing. The campfire casts dancing orange shadows on her face, and her expression remains unchanging.
She does not wave or smile; that woman barely does either.
In fact, she seems perpetually suspicious and irritated. With everyone.
Her attitude to Alana is what annoys me the most. Despite everything, she still behaves as though she is the one with the power. Because she is an ‘elder’.
I abhor labels and titles.
In the new world order, there will be none.
Certainly no elders, presiding over everyone as if simply being alive longer gives you some kind of expertise that no one else has.
I do not stop to talk, but when Briony leaves a small group of dancing Shadowkind and heads away from the music, I slow my pace and allow her to catch up.
“It has been too long since we spoke properly,” I say, looping my arm around her shoulders. “How are you, Briony?”
“It’s nice of you to ask,” she says, and part of me wonders whether she is berating me for not checking in on her sooner. Probably, I should have. A good friend would have. But I have had too many other plates to juggle. “But before I answer you... have you seen Alana? She was missing from supper, and she’s not by the lake.” Briony stops walking.
I stop too and glance in the direction of mine and Alana’s tent.
“I checked the tent, the lake, all her usual places. She sometimes walks for a long time, but something feels...” Briony wrinkles her nose. “I don’t know, Finn. Something feels different. I’m worried she’s gone beyond the shield.”
“She can’t.” I frown. “I mean, she wouldn’t. Why would she?”
Technically, the spell has been cast so that we can come and go as we please, and only those outside our group are prevented from being able to locate us. But why would Alana stray away from camp now, of all times?
Even as the thoughts form in my mind, a heavy weight settles deep in my stomach.
Quickening my pace, I march in the direction of the tent.
“Finn, I checked –” Briony is on my heels, hurrying to keep up.
I fling open the canvas and stoop inside. There. On the pillow. A note.
I scrunch it tight in my hand and wave it at Briony, allowing my anger to be directed at her. “You didn’t see this?”
When she blinks at me, wide-eyed, clearly upset, I shake my head. My hands feel numb. “I’m sorry.” I look at the piece of paper. I can’t bring myself to open it. “I’m just worried she’s done something stupid...”
Briony takes the paper from me and unfolds it. Her eyes scan the handwriting, and her face pales in the dim light of the tent.
“What is it? Where is she?”
“She’s gone.” Briony hands me the piece of paper. “Finn, she’s gone to kill Eldrion.”