Page 25 of Buying Angel
“So, is she coming back with us to New York?”
Now there was a problem.
“It’s not going to be quite as easy as that, and that is what we really need to talk about. Do you remember Vincent Forbes-Stuart?”
“How could I forget that asshole?”
I knew they’d had run-ins years ago. I also knew that Nico had threatened to kill him if he ever hurt another woman again, after seeing what he had done to some of the women at the club he used to go into. This was one of the reasons why I was worried about telling him Gaby’s story. It would be just like him to walk out of the house, go to his apartment, and kill him there and then. He knew plenty of people to dispose of the body and pay off any witnesses who saw him. Much as I knew it would sort out Gaby’s problem, I didn’t want to make matters worse for either her or us.
“Before I keep going, I need to get you to promise to control your temper. I don’t want to make matters worse than they already are for any of us.”
I saw a look come over his face, one that even scared me and made me wonder whether I should have said anything.
“What do you mean, control my temper? I’m perfectly calm.”
I looked him straight in the eyes, trying to hide the fear I was actually feeling with how he looked at me.
“Dominico Veronese.”
I could tell I had shocked him when I used his full name like his mother would when he was in trouble. I placed my hand over his, a sure way to immediately calm him. I really needed him to listen to me and not fly off the handle.
“Nico, it’s really important that you listen to me, please.”
He took my hand in his, brought it up to his lips, and pressed them against my knuckles. Even in his angered state, he always knew when he had taken things too far with me, and this was a sure sign that he realized that. He placed his eyes down on the table. He wasn’t submissive toward me. In fact, he was usually the dominant one in the bedroom, even though we did not have a Dom/sub relationship.
He raised his head, looking at me, and started to speak. “I’m sorry, Hud. You know what the sound of that name means to me. I promise I won’t fly out of here and do something stupid. But I can’t promise I won’t get angry.”
It was probably the best I could expect from him. I returned the kiss to his hand and began to talk.
“I know you hate him and what he does to women. Unfortunately, after what I am about to tell you, you are about to hate him a whole lot more.”
I continued to tell him everything. All about what he had put Gaby through, the beatings, the forced sex with other men. The only thing I decided to leave out was the fact that Vincent had caused Gaby to have several miscarriages.
I could see him getting angrier by the minute the more I went on, but he needed to know the truth. I would need his help more than ever if I was going to make Gaby mine. However, we had to be sensible about things and come up with a plausible plan. Much as I knew he would like to go in all gung ho, bullets blazing, we couldn’t do that. I took his hand, which was now balled into a fist.
“I’m sorry I had to tell you all that. Believe me, I was as angry as you are when Gaby told me last night. But we have until Sunday night to come up with a plan to get her away from him. Because if we don’t, I’m not sure how much longer she is going to live.”
I could see him taking deep breaths, trying to calm his feelings of hate and anger toward Vincent. One thing about Nico was he wore his heart on his sleeve. No matter how hard he tried, he could never hide his feelings from me.
“Believe me, once she is safe and in your arms, I will go after him. I may not do the deed, but I will make sure he never hurts another woman again. As for what we do, leave it with me. I will make some calls. She may have to go back to the apartment, but she won’t be there long.”
Just as I was about to ask him what he had in mind, I heard her gentle footsteps coming toward the kitchen. I just gave Nico a look, and he understood me instantly. No more talking about this until we were alone again.
She walked into the room, looking just as gorgeous as last night when I put her to bed. I didn’t think she was expecting to see Nico sitting at the table across from me, especially as she was still wearing the t-shirt I gave her. I saw Nico smirk as she initially came into the room. Gaby jumped as Nico spoke.
“Signorina Rosa, I hope you slept well.”
I glared over at him as he held back the laughter.
“Molto bene, grazie, Nico.” Very well, thank you.
It was my turn to laugh as Gaby replied in Italian to him. His shocked face said it all. He shook his head and got up from his seat holding it out for Gaby, and like the gentleman he was, pushed it in for her.
“What would you both like for breakfast?”
I saw Gaby look over at Nico with shock on her face. “You really don’t have to do that, Nico. I can get us all something if you would like me to. After all, I should pay my way for all the money Hudson spent.”
Both Nico and I looked at her as she spoke. Did she really think that she had to pay me back for the amount of money I had spent to have her with me this weekend? I would have gladly spent every single dollar I had if it meant I had even just one night with her. I watched in horror as she went to get up from her seat. I was just about to say something when Nico beat me to it.