Page 1 of Light Magic
Things weren’t going my way.
Several years ago, I lost my wings and my Celestial Blade. Then about seven months ago, a higher demon stole my magic.
And two weeks ago, when things seemed to finally be aligning, I was hurt again.
This one shouldn’t matter.
Because I knew Levi was an evil demon from the beginning, I knew I shouldn’t trust him, and yet, I lowered my guard. I let him mess with my head. I almost let him mess with my heart. And in the end, he was just using me for his own gains.
It shouldn’t matter but it freaking hurt.
I was alone and lost again, unsure what to do.
But I had to keep living, and for that, I needed money. I thought about stealing something or robbing someone, but that went against everything angels stood for.
Or should have stood for.
I didn’t know what was going on in Elysium these days, if angels were still considered righteous, honorable, pure.
I ended up in Phoenix, where the weather wasn’t bad in March. I found a fight club.
Like the first time in Houston with Mr. Green, I was laughed at and ignored.
“A tiny thing like you,” a bull of a man said from inside the cage. “What are you going to do? Stand there and look cute?”
Oh, that had boiled my blood.
Intent on proving myself, I scaled the cage's fence, and jumped in the ring. “I’m going to whip your ass, and if I do, I’ll get all of your winnings for the night. Deal?”
The guy glanced at the suited man on a viewing deck upstairs. The man nodded, and the guy charged at me.
I was short and lean, but I was damn fast and a trained warrior who had fought against numerous supernaturals.
This man was a slow human.
I easily dodge all of his strikes, jumped out of the way when he lunged at me, and even toyed with him. Once, I slid underneath his legs and kicked him in the lower back, making him lose his balance. Another time, I climbed over his side and around him, wrapped my legs around his thick waist and my arms around his neck. The man fell back, thinking he would pin me. But I let him go and whirled out of the way. When he fell to the floor, the breath whooshed out of his lungs. I straddled him and landed a punch to his cheek, and another to his chin.
When he rose to his feet, he was furious.
But little by little, he tired.
And I won the fight.
As expected, the owner of the fighting club found me as I was leaving and invited me to fight tomorrow night.
“Whatever you made today from Tod, I’ll guarantee double if you win,” he promised.
I was in.
As I left the club, I felt dirty. Beating up humans to make money wasn’t what an angel’s life was supposed to be. If only Adona saw me now …
I shook my head. Adona was what humans called the almighty god with a big G, but humans believed their God saw all, knew all. It wasn’t exactly like that, and I was glad.
Not that I knew what was happening up there. Was Adona still in charge? Did she know about Rhodes and his betrayal? Was he working for her?
Those questions ate at my mind, and sometimes I could barely breathe.