Page 23 of Light Magic
As Levi walked me back to my bedroom, I asked, “Why do they keep these creatures here? Aren’t they better dead, or maybe in the underworld?” Or any other more specialized place.
I didn’t think he would answer me, until finally, he spoke. “Two reasons. The Great Eternity Hall is one of the most secure places in the entire world, and because knowledge about each species needs to be recorded. That is done by capturing and studying them.”
I understood the first one, but the second rubbed me wrong. These creatures could be single-minded evil beings, but they weren’t lab rats. I didn’t like knowing they were rotting away in a cell, being studied, but that was probably my righteous side trying to come out.
Levi showed me to my door but didn’t wait until I got in to leave. Not that I cared.
I was so tired, I had to force myself to take a shower before falling on the bed and sleeping.
I woke up with a start, dreaming that a harpy was over me in bed, and it took me a couple of minutes to realize I was safe in my room, by myself, and hell, it was already early afternoon.
It wasn’t as if I had any appointment, but now with most of the creatures captured (or killed), the witches would probably be able to help me and I was eager to figure out how to get my magic back.
I washed my face, brushed my teeth and my long hair, and got dressed in black leggings, a dark gray sweater, and high-heeled boots. This time, I got lost on the way to the dining room, but I found my way again. I thought I would be the only one here, but Magnus sat at the head of the table, reading a newspaper and drinking what looked like white wine.
“Good afternoon,” I said, approaching the table.
He glanced at me from over the newspaper, and this time, without any other distraction, I paid attention to him. He wasn’t an ugly man, per se, but there wasn’t anything attractive about him either. He had similar features to the girls, but they seemed wrong on him. The delicate nose, the long eyebrows, the full brown hair, and he wore a thin mustache and sideburns, which gave him a creepy vibe.
He wore a suit that seemed out of a fantasy movie and had an unlit pipe beside his glass.
“Afternoon,” he said, sounding bored. He hid behind the newspaper again.
I halted behind the chair I had sat in last night, kind of hoping the same magic would be active right now. But my heart sank when the table remained bare.
I was about to turn when it poofed into existence: a placemat, a plate, a warm panini half wrapped in cream paper, and a glass of water. With a smile, I sat down and picked up the panini—shredded chicken in a pesto creamy sauce. The delicious smell alone made my mouth water.
I took a big bite and had to stifle a moan.
I had eaten one fourth of my panini when I noticed the uncle was looking at me. I did a double take and narrowed my eyes. “Something wrong?”
“Nothing wrong, not with me.” He folded the newspaper. “But I heard there’s a lot wrong with you.”
Ouch. I flinched at his tone. “Well, I’m here to get help. Isn’t that what the Great Eternity Hall is for?”
“If you say so.” He drank half of his wine, his eyes always on mine.
Could the guy stop staring at me? I wanted to eat in peace.
“Uncle!” Trent yelled as he ran into the room.
I sighed in relief when Magnus turned to his nephew. “What are you up to, Trent?” his voice softened a little.
Trent slowed down, stopped, and ran out of the room again. A couple of seconds later, he came back inside, holding his grandma’s hand.
“Good afternoon, Ariella,” Belinda said to me, even though I was quiet as a mouse. “Slept well?”
I rose from the chair and turned her way. “I did, thanks for asking. How about yourself?”
She let out a chuckle. “I barely sleep anymore, dear, but I’m well rested.” By now, Magnus had already made his way to her and right before he reached her, Belinda lifted her hand, as if she knew he was there. “Magnus, I need some help in my sitting room.”
“I wanted to help, but Grandma says I’m too young.”
She smiled. “Well, with Magnus's supervision, you might be able to.”
He squealed in delight.