Page 34 of Light Magic
All right, maybe it was time to go to the dining room. If it was too early for supper, I could meet everyone in the sitting room, even if I had to endure small talk with strangers.
It was better than staying here and yearning for a demon who didn’t deserve my feelings, real or not.
I stopped at the closet to look at myself in the mirror—everything was normal. My leggings, my long-sleeved tee, my boots. I was even having a great hair day and my silver-blond locks fell into smooth cascades down my back.
Even though my phone only worked at the library, I stuffed it into my leggings’ side pockets as I used it to check the time, set reminders, and make notes on the notes app.
Then I walked out of my bedroom, this time sure I knew the way to the dining room. I turned into two hallways, then started turning a third and skidded to a stop.
There was a wall in the way. I glanced around, confused. I was sure this was the way, but the wall seemed to continue, as if it had always been there.
Was I lost again?
I backtracked and decided to try another way.
Three turns later, the same thing happened.
“What the hell?” I looked up at the ceiling. “Are you trying to make me mad? Well, you’re succeeding.”
The hall didn’t answer.
Huffing, I turned around and tried yet another hallway. By now, I was lost, for sure, but I knew that if I kept trying, I would soon find a staircase. Or I would bump into someone and go with them to the dining room.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, I made it downstairs and into the hallway where the sitting and the dining room were located. I was probably late for supper by now, damn it.
About ten feet from the archway, vines shot out of the knots along the walls and created a fence right before me.
“You are playing with me,” I said, becoming upset. “Why are you doing this? Did I hurt you? Did I break something? Do you think I’ll hurt the Evermores?”
Beyond the dining room, all the lights went off, and behind me, the lights flickered furiously.
What was the hall trying to tell me?
Tired of this game, I climbed the vines. They moved and tried wrapping around my legs, but I jumped before they could catch me.
I stepped into the dining room and the lights came back on.
I froze, my heart skipping several beats.
Everyone was sitting around the table, but they seemed dead? Fainted? Some leaned back in their chairs, their heads lolled to the side, others were bent over the table, their heads over the placemats.
I raced to the table. “Maggie?” I touched her shoulder. “Lacey?” I reached across the table and grabbed her hand.
Then I saw Abbie’s chest move up and down slowly.
Asleep. They were all asleep.
But why? How?
I looked around. I saw Belinda, Trent, Abbie, Maggie, Gwen, Britt, Lacey, Mrs. Dennis, and Magnus.
Even the animals were here, in their usual corner, all sleeping.
But there were two people missing.
“Are you looking for us?”