Page 78 of Light Magic
One of the light bolts landed not ten yards from us, sizzling the tall grass. Two hit the targets and they blinked out of the existence. Another one zoomed past the target, missing it by an inch, and landed at least fifty yards behind it.
One of the darkish bolts fizzled out and disappeared halfway to the target. The other one hit the target in the chest and?—
Bolt and target exploded in a giant light-fire. Ylena and I fell back with the blast and the ground shook.
Swiftly, Ylena jumped to her feet, moved her hands as if she was parting wind, and reined in the fire. She pulled it back, until it was the size of a tennis ball. It floated to her and landed in her open palm. She closed her hand around it and it poofed away.
Just like that.
I stared at her hand in awe.
And in frustration.
“I’m not sure I’ll be ready in two or three days,” I said, my tone harsher than I wanted it to be.
Ylena placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re eager to make it work, but this is the first day. The first hour. I bet that after a good night’s sleep, you’ll be ready for another go. Tomorrow, we can train for several hours, with breaks, and I’m sure that by the end of the day, you’ll be ready. Or close to it.”
I stared at her, wanting to be mad, but as usual, Ylena had this calm, serene aura around her and it was impossible to stay mad around her. She was like a mini-Adona, whose presence was an intense calming balm.
And that was why Adona was our goddess, and Ylena was the most powerful archangel in Elysium.
“I’ll only believe you when it happens.”
She offered me a small smile, but it turned into a frown. “Ariella, if you think about your magic and how you’re training to get used to it again, to make it familiar, it isn’t much different from when you first started using your magic and had to learn everything. You didn’t know what you could do, how powerful you were, but you trained in a carefully controlled environment, with angels stronger than you, and you learned.”
“True,” I said, knowing she wasn’t done.
“That’s the same with the Scarlet Hex Blade.” And there it was. “We can create a secure environment where we can test it and find out what it does. And once we do, we can determine if we can use it against Rhodes. If we should use it against him.” She paused. “Imagine if we can use this weapon and win this battle without much fighting, without loss of life.”
My brows curled down. “You’re hoping this dagger has good power in it.”
“Well, I’m always optimistic.” True. “But if it doesn’t, if we use it and find out it’s a terrible power, we hide it and we never touch it again.” Her eyes bore into mine. “I know you’re worried, but this might be all we need to win.”
I frowned. “You’re my commanding officer, but you’re acting strange. Why don’t you order me to go get it?”
She shook her head. “Things have changed. We’re on the run. I’m not your commanding officer right now.” She offered me a tight smile. “Besides, you’re a smart angel and I know you’ll make the right decision for yourself.”
Damn, she always knew what to say to move the needle.
With a sigh, I nodded. “All right. We can get the dagger.”
“That’s a smart decision. You won’t regret it. Is it close?”
“Not really.”
“That’s okay.” She turned to the inn. “Why don’t we go find something to eat and discuss the details of how and when to get it over dinner?”
When Ylena and I came back to our hotel room, I could barely stand. It was like all the energy had been sucked out of me. I guess I had a big day and I hadn’t stopped once. I was bound for some crash and burn.
While I took a shower, Ylena went to the shopping center across the street and bought us some burgers from a fast-food place.
I stared at her while she ate.
“What?” she asked.