Page 80 of Light Magic
“Gwen had a vision a couple of hours ago,” he said in a rush. “You need to open the portal and let me through.”
I frowned. “What vision?”
“Sweetheart …”
“Tell me!”
“She saw you being stabbed in the back, literally, and she said that would happen soon.”
I processed that for a second. Then, Gwen saw me in a fight? With Rhodes? And he or someone stabbed me? And soon? That meant I would get control of my magic tomorrow, get the Scarlet Hex Blade, and go to Elysium soon!
“Levi, I appreciate the warning, but now that I know, I can watch for it, and?—”
“Ariella, open the fucking portal now, or I’ll leave this place right now and follow the bond, even if I have to scour Boston and the surrounding areas inch by inch.”
Holy shit, the man was persistent. And of course, Abbie had told him where she had dropped me off.
Knowing he wasn’t kidding, I said, “Hang on a minute.”
Then I tiptoed out of the bathroom, grabbed a coin from my bag, my jacket from the armchair, and my boots from beside the door, and exited the room, careful not to make any noise when closing the door behind me.
I slipped on my shoes and my jacket, and walked to the inn’s first floor, on a small path that cut below the building, where the vending machines were located. I glanced side to side, listened for a second, then I used the coin.
The moment the portal opened, Levi crossed over. Hands in fists and eyes full of murder, he looked around, making sure the danger wasn’t right behind me.
“As you can see, everything is fine,” I told him. “Whatever Gwen saw, it won’t happen in the next two days, I think.”
He finally stopped and looked at me. Even at this time of night, he was dressed in black slacks and a perfectly smooth dark blue button-up shirt that made his eyes pop—and right now they looked like two fiery stones.
“It won’t happen in two days,” he said, his tone low, harsh.
“What Gwen saw, she said it was soon. As in, a few hours.”
“Unless another group of supernaturals finds us again, or angels, then I don’t think we’ll encounter anyone to harm us.”
“Yeah.” I smiled at him. “My mentor found me earlier today.” Then I remembered it was after midnight. “Or yesterday. Whatever.”
“Your mentor?”
“Yeah, I told you about her. She’s the most powerful archangel in Elysium. Her name is?—”
“Ylena.” His eyes shifted to a point above my shoulder.
When I turned, Ylena stood a dozen feet or so behind me, near the path’s entrance.
Then I realized he had said her name. “You know her?”
“Hi, Leviathan,” Ylena said.
My brows curled down. “You know each other?”
Levi slipped his big hand into mine and tugged me closer to him. He pointed a finger to Ylena. “Stay back.” Then he took a couple of steps back, taking me with him. “Do not move.”
“Levi, that’s my mentor.” I tried taking my hand from his, to stop moving back, but his grip only tightened. “What are you doing? Stop this.”