Page 113 of Dirty Rival
“This one is different, and Reid has investors he’s confident in.”
“But are you?” she asks, perching on the edge of the visitor’s chair.
“If Reid believes in them, I do. I trust him.” The words are out before I can stop them. I trust him. How can I trust him on this and nothing else? Money, I think. He won’t let himself get hurt financially.
“What can I do to help?” Sallie asks, grabbing my attention again.
“I’m about to email you a list of research items.”
“Got it. I’ll watch for it.” She heads out of the office and I stare after her, thinking about my words, “I trust him.” I’m very confused. I don’t spend much of my life confused. I’m decisive. I have goals. I know what I want. I’m focused, and I need to focus now. I dig into my work and I keep expecting to hear, “My office. Now,” from my intercom any minute. Some part of me craves that moment, while another dreads it.
It’s nearly nine and Sallie is at my desk going over data with me. “This all looks good,” Sallie says. “Incredible. But it’s Asia. You’re sure you trust Reid on this?”
“I do. I trust Reid.”
At that moment, Reid appears in my doorway, his big, perfect body eating away the doorframe, his blue eyes meeting mine. I feel so many things in this moment, too many things. “My office,” he says. “Now.” He turns and leaves.
I swallow hard. Sallie looks at me. “When he does that in person looking all hot and dominant, it’s not nearly as offensive as when he does it on the intercom, don’t you think?” She narrows her eyes at me. “Carrie?”
“I need that data quickly. I need to be ready to show it to investors as early as this afternoon.”
Reid buzzes my office. “Now means now.”
Now means now. I want to be pissed, but I’m not. I’m ridiculously nervous. I stand up and round my desk, marching out of my office, across the open office area and I don’t even look at Connie. I open Reid’s door and the next thing I know, I’m pressed to the hard surface. “Yes. I’m pushing you against a door again.” His fingers tangle in my hair. “And yes, I’ve wanted to do this for twenty-four painful hours.” His mouth closes down on mine and I try to resist, I do, but I’m back to thinking he owes me this. He humiliated me. He hurt me. He owes me the damn kiss. It doesn’t matter that thinking is what got me to this place with him. I just want him to keep kissing me.
I sink into the connection and I forget everything that happened between us. I need him. I want him. My hands are on his body and his are on mine and it’s not until he’s tugging my skirt up that I come to my senses. I catch his hand. “I’m on my period,” I pant out.
“Ask me if I care right now.”
“We’re at work, Reid.”
“Then let’s leave now.”
“No. No, we—this—it changes nothing. I don’t know why I just let that happen.”
“Because we’re good together. Because we need to be together, Carrie.”
“I can’t just fuck you and let you fuck me. I’m not you, or my father, or your father. I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t do this. I’m getting too—I’m just—I can’t.”
“Too what?”
“Emotionally involved, and you will hurt me. You already did. You—in that kitchen—God. Please leave me out of this war. I just want out of it.”
“I would never hurt you, Carrie. Ever.”
I shove against his unmoving chest. “What do you think that was in your sister’s place? What do you think you did to me?”
“My father’s brutal. If you had lashed back at him, he would have come at you hard at the party and beyond. I was protecting you.”
“If that’s your way of protecting me, I’ll stick to protecting myself. I can’t do this.”
“I have never asked a woman to trust me. I am asking you. Trust me. I won’t let you down.”
“When this is over, maybe. But not now, and I get it. You’re you. You can’t wait. You can go fuck whoever you want, and I’ll fuck whoever I want and—”
His fingers return to my hair, tangling roughly. “You do not have permission to fuck any other man. I do not want another woman. We’re together. That isn’t changing.”
“I’m afraid to trust you.”