Page 159 of Dirty Rival
I don’t read what I’ve typed. I hit send and then I dial my father. Of course, voicemail picks up. “Dad, I sent you an email. Please read it. I love you. I don’t want to fight with you.” My eyes prickle as I disconnect and head to the shower.
Thirty minutes later, I’m in a silk robe and I’ve just finished drying my hair when the sound of the hotel room door opening reaches my ears. I grab my phone and hurry to greet Reid. I’ve just stepped into the doorway between the bedroom and the living area and brought him into view when my phone rings. I stop dead in my tracks, glance down and eye the caller ID and then Reid before I answer, “Dad.”
Reid's expression hardens, concern in his eyes as my father says, “I read your email.” His voice actually cracks and I'm relieved that he has an emotional reaction. This shows humanity and I've feared he lost his.
I turn and walk into the bedroom and sit on the bed. Reid joins me, showing silent support as he settles on one knee in front of me, his presence my pillar as I prod my father. “Thank you for reading it. What did you think of it?”
“You really love him that much?”
“Yes," I say, and this time my voice cracks. "I really do.”
“I hate his father.”
“I know, but it’s too much hate for too long. Let it go.”
Reid’s hands settle on my legs and one of mine goes to his. Silence fills the line, long seconds passing, eternal seconds before my father says, “I love you,” he says. “I really do love you, Carrie. Let me talk to Reid. Put him on speaker.”
“Okay.” I cover the speaker and whisper, “He wants to talk to you.”
“Put him on,” Reid says with no hesitation.
I hit the button. “You’re on speaker, dad.”
“Reid?” he growls.
“Yes, Mr. West?”
“Do not hurt my daughter or I will hurt you.”
Reid's eyes meet mine. “I will protect her with my life.” He speaks those words with deep, guttural emotion.
“You damn sure better, and that means protecting her from everyone and everything, including from your father.”
“I will. Always. I love her as completely as any man can love a woman.”
He lifts my hand and kisses it and my heart squeezes with the love in his eyes to match his words.
“I’ll test you on that,” my father promises.
“As long as you don’t hurt Carrie in the process the way you have recently, then I can live with that."
"Pick up, Carrie," my father orders.
I hit the speaker button. “I'm here," I say.
"Congratulations," he replies. "Be happy. Come to Montana and bring that asshole with you. For the wedding, my wedding. And maybe you can invite me to yours.”
My eyes prickle. “Yes, I’d like that.”
“Good. Call me soon.” He hangs up and I throw my arms around Reid. He stands up and takes me with him, lifting me off the ground to hold me before he sets me down.
“How did that happen?” he asks.
“I wrote him a long email while drinking that coffee you had sent up. Really long. I was riding the caffeine and time change.”
“It must have been one hell of an email.”
“What about your father, though?”