Page 171 of Dirty Rival
Hours later, Gabe and Carrie are with me when we tell our partners who quickly jump on board when they see the numbers. After much conversation, and yes, laughter, it’s time for dinner with Reese and Cat, and it’s a surreal feeling to step onto the elevator again with my brother and my future wife. Monday morning the three of us will be together again to meet with the staff at Carrie’s offices.
“I can’t believe your father hasn’t shown up,” Carrie says, leaning into me.
“Just enjoy the silence,” I say. “It won’t last long.”
“No,” Gabe agrees. “It won’t last long.”
As if he’s foreseen the near future, the elevator opens to the lobby and the three of us exit to come face to face with my father. “Congratulations, sons,” he says, looking sharply arrogant in a three-piece blue suit. “You made us a lot of money tonight. I wanted to tell you in person.” He looks at Carrie. “I approve.”
“Because they took over West,” Carrie challenges. “Or did I take over Maxwell?”
He scowls and Gabe and I both laugh. “We’re all richer, pops,” Gabe says. “Focus on that and this gift we brought you.” He reaches in his pocket and hands my father an envelope. “I sincerely hope you won’t ever make us use that.”
He stuffs it in his pocket. “I’m sure it’s interesting, my boy. You always make things interesting.”
“You have no idea,” Gabe says. “But you will. Now. We’re on our way to Cat’s for some nice family time. Goodnight.”
I take Carrie’s hand, leading her around my father, and Gabe joins us on the other side. The three of us cross the lobby and exit the building. None of us speak, the sense that the ball is about the drop in the air, and it does. “What the fuck is this?” my father demands from behind us.
We all turn and face him as he comes right up to us. Gabe and I automatically step in front of Carrie, sheltering her. “It’s insurance,” I say. “You will not go after Carrie, her father, or us for that matter.”
“If you do,” Gabe adds, “that plea agreement, with immunity for us, will be activated, and we have enough dirt on you to ensure you die in prison.”
Our father doesn’t immediately reply. Seconds tick by and then he snarls, before laughing. “Priceless. You two boys learned well. Good work. You made money and held off your adversary. Finally, I know that you can handle yourselves and my company.” He pats us both on the shoulders. “Have a good dinner.” And then he walks away.
Gabe and I part to allow Carrie between us. “What just happened?” she asks. “Does he really want us to believe this was all about testing and training his sons?”
Gabe and I look at each other. “Yes,” we say together again.
“Because he’s really good at painting himself the winner,” Gabe adds.
“No retreat, no surrender,” I add, as my father always taught us. “He found a way to do both and look like he won. It’s over.” I look at Gabe and he adds, “Yes. It’s over.”
“It’s over?” Carrie asks.
I pull her to me and cup her face. “Yeah, baby. It’s over.”
Chapter eighty-four
The minute I see Cat, I know she’s pregnant. It’s not so much that her belly is bigger. It’s not, or I can’t tell because she’s wearing a red velvet dress that makes it pretty impossible to tell. It’s her face, and her coloring; it’s a gut feeling. I’m immediately relieved that we came home for Christmas. Reid needs to be here for this. He needs to mend fully with his sister.
Cat is, as always, warm and wonderful, greeting me with a smile and lots of joy. The five of us: me, Reid, Gabe, Cat and Reese, gather around the Christmas tree in the front room that is oval and surrounded by windows. The massive tree at the end of the room along with the windows is stunning and the collection of random holiday ornaments makes me want to get more creative next year.
The men all peel away their jackets and everyone but Cat nurses a glass of champagne.
“So, it’s really over?” Cat asks when the two of us huddle up on an oversized chair that easily fits us both. “The war between our families is no more?”
“Let’s hope,” I say. “It seems to be.”
“But what do you think? What do you feel?”
“It’s over,” I say. “I think it really is though I fear our wedding will stir new trouble. I want to elope.”
“Is that what you want? Or is that what they’re forcing on you?”