Page 185 of Dirty Rival
Royce gives me a nod and I unlock the door and enter. Reid is on the couch where I left him with the kitty on a cushion next to him. “How’d it go?” he asks, setting his computer aside, his eyes narrowing on me as he stands up. “What’s wrong?”
I cross to meet him in the middle of the room. “I had a problem. I called Royce. He’s outside.”
His hands come down on my arms. “What problem required you calling Royce and not me?”
“I didn’t call you because I knew you’d come to me and I was afraid you’d be in danger.”
“What the hell is going on, Carrie?”
“Elijah followed me to the wedding venue and confronted me. He even grabbed me at one point. I was afraid he was luring you out to shoot you or something. He was not right when I saw him. Not right at all and—”
He sets me aside and heads for the door. I whirl around and dart forward, placing myself flat on the door. “Reid. Talk to me first.”
“I’m going to deal with Elijah, Carrie. Either you’re going to move or I’m going to move you, but the outcome will be the same.”
Chapter ninety-three
“Reid, stop.”
His hands come down on my waist. “Carrie, this is not one of the many battles you will win with me. Not this one, baby.” He lifts me and literally sets me aside.
I wrap my arm around his body. “Stop!” I shout. “Stop now. You will listen to me first. You have to listen.”
He twists around and grabs my wrists, pulling me to him, but that’s okay. He’s not trying to walk out of the door. He’s right here with me. “Stop, woman. Stop and let me deal with this.”
“He’s crazy. Do not handle this yourself. Let Royce handle it. Let’s talk about calling the police. I need you to step back from what you were feeling last night. We both know that’s dictating how you’re reacting right now.”
“Damn straight it is. I’m not giving him a chance to hurt you.”
“I’m not giving him a chance to hurt you because he might not be bigger, smarter, or stronger, but the bullet in a gun would be. You don’t get to leave me, either. You don’t get to die.” Kesha starts meowing at our feet. “Now you have a wife and a furry daughter to stay around for.”
His lashes lower for several seconds, his expression all hard lines and torment before he looks at me. His hands go to my shoulders and he pulls me to him. “You aren’t my wife yet, but you will be. That’s the point. No one is taking you from me and we’re getting that dog, one with big fucking teeth.”
I’d laugh at that if he wasn’t so intense right now. “And no one is taking you from me. Can we please talk to Royce and find the right solution?”
His jaw sets hard and the next thing I know he’s kissing me, a deep slide of tongue before he says, “You really called them to protect me?”
“I love you. Of course I did.”
“God, woman. You have no idea what you make me feel.”
“I do because I know what you make me feel. Let’s talk to Royce. And Savage, Royce’s man who’s here. He came and got me while Royce came here to ensure you were safe.”
He nods and releases me. I pick up Kesha while he opens the door. “Royce,” he says. “Savage. Thank you both for taking care of Carrie,” he adds, backing up to let them both inside.
Royce and Savage enter the apartment and I suddenly feel like a midget surrounded by giants. “Let’s sit down,” Reid suggests, “away from the door. I’m fighting the urge to beat the shit out of Elijah.”
“As would I in your shoes,” Royce assures him. “But obviously, that’s not the best move, which I know you know. Let’s talk about what is.”
“Talk for now,” Reid agrees, and we all move to the living area where Reid and I sit on the couch and he and Savage claim a chair on either side of us.
Kesha darts from my arms and goes straight for Savage. He grins and picks her up. “A girl, right? Chicks like me.”
“Talk,” Reid says, focusing on Royce. “I need a solution and now.”
Royce leans forward, elbows on his knees. “You have ammunition to shut him down,” he says. “The question is, will that work? Considering his behavior today, I’m not certain he’s a stable person. You could send him into the deep end.”